We are proud to provide access to the theses and projects of successful graduate students at Cal Poly Humboldt. You can search for titles or authors in the search bar on the right.

For those submitting for Spring 2025, submit a PDF file of your thesis for committee approval using Adobe Sign's Graduate Thesis/Project Committee Approval Form. Please start this form no later than May 12, 2025, (but hopefully earlier) to allow your committee members time to electronically register their approvals before the May 13, 2025, 11:59am deadline. Please see the Adobe Sign Form Instructions for assistance.

All committee members and the program graduate coordinator must have registered their signatures on the Adobe Sign Form before submitting your thesis here. Click HERE or use the Submit Thesis button on the right-side menu, then select the "CLICK HERE TO LOG-IN WITH myHUMBOLDT" button. The Spring 2025 submission deadline to submit a Microsoft Word file of your thesis for the official format review is Tuesday, May 13, 2025, 11:59am.

Deadlines, formatting, and accessibility requirements are strictly enforced. Please send us a draft to cfr@humboldt.edu for a courtesy review. The deadline for submission for a courtesy review is Monday, April 28, 2025.

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Please use the thesis templates to download a pre-formatted Word file for your thesis. You can download the latest Microsoft Word software for free here. For more formatting information (along with other info), please visit the Graduate Studies formatting page. If you have questions or would like to request an online consultation, please contact us at cfr@humboldt.edu.


Theses/Projects from 2024


Countering dominant narratives in community: The many voices in spoken word poetry, Natalie Raquel Acuña


Assessing relocation habitats and assisted migration of the Lassics lupine, an endangered California serpentine-endemic, Caitlyn M. Allchin


A case of incipient budding speciation in the California Floristic Province, infraspecific divergence in Abronia Villosa, Eli J. Allen


Mouralherwaqh: Coastal wetland road crossing Da’luk, Filip Amborski


Evolution of regulations impacting landowner decision making: A comparison of private forest policies in California and Oregon, Claire E. Anderson


Studying redtail and silver surfperch in sandy beach surf zones with MPAs in Humboldt County, California, USA, Noah G. Angell


Evaluating the utility of tracers to characterize environmental DNA transport and inform detection of fishes in small streams, Gavin B. Bandy


The impact of a structured exercise program on the pre-established exercise goals for individuals with disabilities, Emily C. Batini


Performance activism versus collective action, Grace Belt


Assessing sustainability: Knowledge, behaviors, and attitudes before and after college, Seth Blair Comella Bradley


Using environmental DNA methods for estimating juvenile Chinook salmon abundance, Jacqueline Marie Bridegum


Climate change, policy paralysis, and a nuclear waste island? Exploring perceptions of risk, trust, and community agency in navigating uncertain futures facing Humboldt Bay's spent nuclear fuel storage site, Alexander Brown


Examining the drivers of nocturnal behavior of pikas at lower elevations in Lassen National Forest, California, Evan Burnett


Effects of habitat selection and individual quality on the reproductive success of barn owls (Tyto furcata), Jaime E. Carlino


Post-fire persistance of Sequoia semperviens in a secondary forest: Examining drivers of basal resprouting response, Jackson T. Carrasco


Two-dimensional hydrodynamic model comparison for fish habitat assessment in rivers, Tyler Caseltine


Characterizing new plant fossils with woody growth from the Battery Point Formation of Quebec (Canada), Emma T. Casselman


The effect of interval time on time to exhaustion during high intensity interval training running in recreational male runners, Abraham Castrejon


How influential is petro-pedagogy on federal educational guidelines?, Cherrie Amor Chavez


Drought's lingering shadow: Monitoring the recovery of sagebrush steppe plant communities after four years of experimental drought, Francisco Jesus Chavez


Fueling identities: A study of ethnic and athletic identities on dietary choices, Tally Chavez


Common raven resource selection, diet, and behavior around a threatened shorebird, Janelle Chojnacki


Fire severity mediates marten and fisher occurrence: Impacts of the Dixie Fire on a carnivore community, Christopher James Collier


Environmental implications of modern food production: An analysis for the conscious consumer, Jessica T. Coming


Movement-based interventions to support executive function and emotional regulation in autism through the potential molecular induction of neuroplasticity: a systematic review, Julie Dalmolen


Breaking barriers: a resource guide for transitioning foster youth, Tylor Davis


Bird predation on coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Humboldt Bay, Colton J. Dixon


Building detailed and accurate whole-plant concepts: A morphometrics-informed reconstruction of a zosterophyll from the lower Devonian of Wyoming, Samar R. El-Abdallah


Assessing community perspectives to inform kelp forest restoration and management: The case of Mendocino Coast, California, Jocelyn Enevoldsen


Temperature driven variability in bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) early life stages: a comparative study of California populations, Marzia Fattori


Longevity of prescribed fire effectiveness in mixed-evergreen forests of the Klamath Mountains, Kaily M. Fineran


The "upside-down" river: Trends in total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and microcystin concentration in the Klamath Basin, 2010-2021, Kayla M. Fitzpatrick


Satellite-based phenology and climate anomaly analysis in evaluating the response of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands tropical forests to the 2015-2016 drought, Sean Fleming


Exploring colorism in children’s literature: Sulwe and Black is Brown is Tan, Jasmine April Fortunato


Agitprop: A deep dive into leftist affinity spaces, Brittany M. Fuher


Composition, spatial co-occurrence, and temporal overlap of small mammal species at American pika (Ochotona princeps) activity centers, Tina Giudici


Comparative morphology and ultrastructure of olfactory epithelia in plethodontid salamanders: Effect of life history variation, Emily Gremling


Simulated effects of postpartum depression on maternal-infant bonding: Mediated by reward-related responses to infant facial cuteness, Caitlin Harp


Black to the kitchen: A genealogical cookbook, Dillon Avery Harp


Bridging cultural disconnects: implementing social and emotional learning through the use of action research and community responsive pedagogy through the art-making process, Rajeev Colleen Haymond


Incorporating equity into sea-level rise planning: Perspectives from practitioners across California, Nayré Herrera


"Kindness eases change / love quiets fear": Mapping change and movement in Octavia Butler's Parable of the Sower, Elizabeth Hershey


Experience of early educators currently enrolled in the North Coast Teacher Induction Program: A case study, Melissa Hodgson


Transitional course for incoming transfer students at Cal Poly Humboldt, Marissa Carla Holguin


Pond characteristics that influence oviposition site selection by two pond-breeding amphibians, Northern red-legged frog (Rana aurora) and Northwestern salamander (Ambystoma gracile), Jessica Jones


Evaluating the Trojan Y Chromosome Strategy for the removal of invasive Sacramento Pikeminnow from the Eel River, CA, Alexander W. Juan


Interactions between New Zealand mud snails (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) and toxic cyanoabacteria (anabaena) in Baduwa’t (Mad River), Humboldt County, California, Cecilia F. Kennelly


Petrologic and geochemical constraints on the pre-eruptive storage conditions of magmas erupted during the ~12.5 ka flare up of Medicine Lake Volcano, CA, Regina M. Khoury


The effects of scour and marginal inundation on Trinity River invertebrate biomass and density with potential implications for juvenile salmonid food resources, Benjamin King


Accelerations and EMG differences between isocaloric high-incline walking and level grade jogging, Taj Krieger


The persistent voice of the colonizer: troubling a mascot’s settler-colonial past, Linda J. Kuckuk


Comparative analysis of ac coupled and dc coupled microgrids: analyzing electrical performances and economics, Sanjeev Kumar


Evolutionary origins of secondary growth - the periderm perspective: Integrating evidence from fossils and living plants, Madison A.K. Lalica


Comparing alternative developmental modes: Structure and gene expression in the olfactory system of Plethodontid salamanders, Giuseppina S. Lanzilli


Barn owls exert top-down effects on the abundance and behavior of rodent pests, Katherine C. Larson


Basal topography and carbon accumulation rate of a rare Northern California coastal fen, Sarah Leidinger


Analyzing science classroom design ideas of high school students: variations amongst LGBT-identifying students, Abraham A. Lewis


Using habitat modeling to locate new populations of Dunn's Salamander (Plethodon dunni) near its southern geographic range limit, Mary A. Mackey


Mouralherwaqh coastal wetland road crossing Da'luk, Pakunihanich Nicoli Martin


Beyond the classroom: A land-based approach to outdoor education, Jacquelyn R. Matthews


Effects of exergaming on health and fitness outcomes for students with disabilities: A meta-analysis, Jordan Mauch


Using novel and traditional survey techniques to monitor small mammal species in northwestern California, Sydney McCluskey


Physical and mental health benefits of an intergenerational yoga intervention on individuals and communities, Crystal Rose McKinney


Evaluating critical speed as a predictor of performance in collegiate cross country athletes, Emmett McMahon


Mouralherwaqh coastal wetland road crossing Da'luk, Natalie Mendez


Beyond exhausted: an investigation into teacher burnout and teacher attrition, Michael Carino Morales Sr.


Exploring the realities of queer/trans, black, indigenous, and/or people of color students at Humboldt State University, Kat Hồng Nguyễn


Characterizing the habitat use of Pacific Coast Feeding Group gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) and the spatial and temporal variability of their benthic and planktonic invertebrate prey in Northern California, Robyn E. Norman


Adoption of holistic education practices: A survey of California K-12 educator experiences, Arianne M. Nova


A resilient decarbonization package for the Hoopa Shopping Center, Esther Obikoya


A post-colonial criticism of Ernest Callenbach's Ecotopia, Kaitlyn R. O'Dell


"They are expecting us to stay strong": How ambulance personnel navigate and manage their emotions in a rural region of Northern California, Tina M. Orton-Owens


Human cell modeling of CDKL5-deficiency disorder with patient-derived organoids and HD-MEA, Alyssa Paynton


Finding connection: Teaching with culturally responsive texts, Chloe N. Pounds


Analyzing stakeholder perceptions on biogas production incentives under California’s low carbon fuel standard, Emily Read


Is cognitive fatigue pushing peripheral group members towards extreme attitudes?, James E. Robinson


Mouralherwaqh coastal wetland road crossing Da'luk, Romel Robinson II


The effectiveness of a visual activity schedule in aquatics on skill acquisition in individuals with autism spectrum disorder, Marcus J. Romero


Physiological and psychological differences between 20% grade incline walking and level-grade jogging at isocaloric intensity, Motoki Sato


Effectiveness of an inclusive, small-group adapted aquatics program on increasing VO2max in children with autism spectrum disorder, Peggy Manuelita Scarborough


Recovery of riparian shade and stream temperature after thinning in coastal redwood riparian forests, Preston J. Selby


The potential for competency-based teaching methodologies to increase intervention procedural fidelity and reduce self-reported verbal behavior associated with turnover in behavior technicians, Dean I. Shearer


Design of a mobile lamprey testing facility and analysis of hydraulic conditions under experimental treatments, Ernesto Silva


An intersectional analysis of findings from Humboldt County: The California cannabis worker and equity survey, Jennifer A. Smith


Time's up. Pearson PLC: control of information and the privatization of education, Adolfo J. Soberanis


Disney adult or Disney cult?: observing the effects and perceptions of transmedia storytelling onto fandom, Sara Spradley


Scale and habitat effects on measurement of streptomyces biogeography and biodiversity, Terilyn A. Stoflet


Diet, growth, and survival of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in off-channel restoration projects in Humboldt Bay tributaries, Katherine Rose Stonecypher


The larval preference of an invasive bryozoan (Watersipora 'new species') for copper-based antifouling paints, Alexander K. Strawhand


Anxieties about the future: Ecocriticism and dystopian landscapes in the three stigmata of Palmer Eldritch and selected fiction by Philip K. Dick, Nickolas Michael Sykora


“Bad at reading”: Narratives of boys with negative reading self-concept, Aimee Talmadge


Assessing the effects of remaining Northern California kelp forest mesopredators on purple sea urchin abundance, distribution, and feeding activity, Sandra E. Traverso


Neurocinematics and empathy: How cognitive neuroscience enhances our understanding of emotional responses of film, Kira Trinity


Microbes: Key constituent of predator risk cues?, Jake R. Vargas


The nature and extent of algal symbiosis in three North American Ranids, Zachary T. Vegso


Post-fire vegetation and pyrodiversity influence breeding abundances of Lewis's woodpeckers in the eastern Cascades, Oregon, Brittany Welch


Characterizing the beneficial uses of the Arcata Marsh constructed wetland treatment system and wildlife sanctuary, Andrew S. Wolff


Educator well-being in a system that is unwell, Beth A. Wylie


The effects of native perennial cover on physiological indicators of habitat quality for sparrows in California coastal prairie rangelands, Madeleine A. Ybarra


Using biological parameters and traditional ecological knowledge to study the status of Spirinchus starksi (night smelt) in northern California, Z. Zenobia