We are proud to provide access to the theses and projects of successful graduate students at Cal Poly Humboldt. You can search for titles or authors in the search bar on the right.

The Spring 2024 submission deadline is Monday, May 12, 2024. To submit your thesis or project for approval, use the Submit Thesis button on the right-side menu or click HERE. Committee members will only have until Tuesday, May 13, to register their approvals, so please notify them that you will be submitting. Please Submit Early to allow your committee members time to electronically register their approval.

Deadlines, formatting, and accessibility requirements are strictly enforced. Please send us a draft to cfr@humboldt.edu for a courtesy review. The deadline for submission for a courtesy review is Monday, April 28.

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Theses/Projects from 2018


The effect of a summer family fitness program on the fitness levels of children with disabilities, Emily Cole


Stability for a small historic house museum: Drafting a collection management policy for the Trinidad Museum, Alexandra Mackay Cox


Check-in/check-out teaches skills for success, Jennifer Elaine Coyle and Jennifer Coyle


Historical consciousness, the cultural imaginary and postcolonial subjectivity in Ruth Ozeki's A Tale for the Time Being, Cassandra S. Curatolo


Involvement and campus climate on the academic success of black college students, Tyries Delemar


Changes in demography, distribution, and diet in garter snakes following eradication of a non-native prey subsidy, Justin A. Demianew Mr.


Out of sight, out of mind: An analysis of household food waste in Arcata, California, Jennifer Michelle Domareki


Banking for the future: An ethnographic study on the local food bank, its role on food justice, and patron perception, Edward Fernandez


Fighting rape culture at Humboldt state university: challenges and growth in student activism, Ariel Rose Fishkin


The effects of ocean acidification and reduced oxygen on the behavior and physiology of juvenile rockfish, Corianna H. Flannery


Learning from a restoration innovator: Building community capitals and resilience through the restoration economy, Marisa Formosa


Stress and frailty in medieval Prussia: interpretations from skeletal remains at Bezławki, Katherine E. Gaddis


Attachment, stress, and self-efficacy while parenting children on the autism spectrum, Angela Maire Galioto


Community-based initiatives for neighborhood and community rehabilitation: a case study of the Mission District, San Francisco, California, Francesca Monique Gallardo


Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in a physical education/physical activity environment: Meta analysis, Jessica Giesige


Children's mental health care needs assessment in six rural northern California counties, Brandi L. Goodspeed


The effects of self-adherent taping on peak inversion angle and eversion moment upon landing during a maximal vertical jump and a depth drop, Christopher M. Gregoire


The effects of physical activity on sleep patterns in children with developmental disabilities, Rebecca Griffith


Stormwater management in Philadelphia: the importance of green stormwater infrastructure and community involvement in greater citywide sustainability, Julie Groff


Framings of nature in Planet Earth II and Wild Safari LIVE, Joshua Gross


Assessment of peripheral BDNF levels over 30 days, Sally Hang


The effect of postural alterations on metabolic cost in running on incline slopes, Nikaela K. Hemminger


Increasing uninterrupted walking distance for students with autism spectrum disorder, steven r. hinojosa


Export of invertebrate drift from fishless headwater streams, Jonathan M. Hollis


Listening to our graduate students' feedback: Graduate student exit and alumni surveys, Alison W. Hong-Novotney


Impacts on soils and residual trees from cut-to-length thinning operations in California's redwood forests, Kyungrok Hwang


Middle school natural disaster inquiry unit with scaffolding, Megan Mali Ireson-Janke


A comparison of community structure in regulated and unregulated reaches in the Upper Eel River, California, Lara Stephanie Jansen


Differential predictors of opposition to same-sex marriage and sexual prejudice, Latishia E Y Jett-Dias


The influence of microclimate and local adaptation for a climate-sensitive species (Aplodontia rufa), Jennie K. Jones Scherbinski


Using functional infrared thermal imaging to measure stress responses, Julia Tenaya Kandus


The impact of peer tutoring program on basketball skills for children with a disability, Matt Mark Kaufman


Differences in hair significance among black and white women: an exploratory study on black hair, Yasmine S. Keen


Characterizing habitat preference in three nearshore reef-associated fishes through collaborative research, public data, and open source software, Ian D. Kelmartin


Writing center tutor training: an examination of emphasis on critical pedagogy in tutor training handbooks, Thomas B. King


Changing parental perceptions of children with disabilities physical capability in physical activity through a family fitness program, Katelyn R. A. Knupper


The desert's canary: a narrative examination of the socio-political role of the threatened desert tortoise, Halle Rayn Kohn


Public perceptions of homelessness in Humboldt County, John Thomas Krapf


Physical attractiveness as a threat in intragroup dynamics, Olivia R. Kuljian


The effect of the loss of Lgl1 in murine neural progenitor cells on MAPK signaling and proliferation, Monique R. LaCourse


Restoration and tree drought resistance in coast redwood-Douglas-fir forests at Redwood National Park, California, Laura Lalemand


The effect of stride frequencies on running performance at the velocity of VO2max, Boram Lim


Using community volunteers to help struggling readers in kindergarten, Tamara L. Lindblom


Congruency between spoken language and guidance beliefs in early childhood programs, Jennifer Mager


The interactive effects of ocean acidification, food availability, and source location on the growth and physiology of the California mussel, Tharadet Daniel Man


Habitats of mind: Dhamma, the world, and mindful activism, Michael L. Masinter


Implications of unmanned aircraft systems and sense of place: A case study in the Mono Basin, Sara Elizabeth Matthews


Test of BPA's estrogenic effects on brain aromatase expression, neural activity, and locomotive behavior in zebrafish larvae, Ryan J. McAuley


Post-fire regeneration and fuel succession patterns in Hesperocyparis bakeri forests, Bret Anthony McNamara


Improving the performance of physical activity skills for children with autism spectrum disorder through modeling: a systematic review, Nathan C. Merrill


The effects of descending resistance sets compared to constant resistance sets on the volume completed during a high intensity free weight back squat exercise, Jason E. Meyer


Adaptation of customary Quechua indigenous political organization in the face of modern resource extraction: A case study in the Apurimac region of the Andes of Peru, Yojana Miraya Oscco


And then they boned: an analysis of fanfiction and its influence on sexual development, Lindsay M. Mixer


Seasonal home range variation and spatial ecology of peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) in coastal Humboldt County, CA, Elizabeth-Noelle F. Morata


Words to cook by: Changing meanings of eating local in Humboldt County, Nora E. Mounce


Sniffing out decomposition: Investigating the reliability of human remains detection dogs, Kristen Marie Nawn


United States-Mexico border: rights of the dead, forensic anthropologists, and families of the victims, Diana A. Newberry


Religiosity and feminism: navigating gender constructions and ideologies, Molly Noble


The impact of an exercise intervention on stereotypical behaviors in a child with autism spectrum disorder., Kirsten Nouzovsky


Needs assessment of Santa María Zoogochi, Oaxaca, Mexico: every day violence, inequities in health care, and knowledge creation/distribution, Natasha S. O'Loughlin


S100B as a potential biomarker for concussion in male and female collegiate rugby athletes, Monica L. Ortiz


The effects of engaging in family centered physical activity program on physical activity levels of families with a child with a disability, Mia Owens


Apparent survival of snowy plovers varies seasonally, Nora C. Papian


Evidence for the genetic basis and inheritance of ocean and river-maturing ecotypes of Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) in the Klamath River, California, Keith A. Parker


Technical feasibility and life cycle cost assessment of a photovoltaic array on Trinity Dam, Trinity County, CA, Caleb Aaron Patrick


Jeweled spider flies (Eulonchus Tristis) are important pollinators of Iris Bracteata, a rare Siskiyou Mountain endemic, Jean-Paul E. Ponte


Western snowy plover nest survival in Humboldt County, California, Katelyn M. Raby


Legacies of industrial contamination: Voices of resistance in White Lake, Michigan, Elizabeth A. Revord


Persistence of stream restoration with large wood, Redwood National and State Parks, California, Diedra L. Rodriguez


Sex-specific habitat selection of rough-legged hawks (Buteo lagopus) wintering in western North America, Genevieve Christa Rozhon


Hobby preferences and physical activity participation among children with and without autism spectrum disorder, Scott M. Russell


Chicana feminist participatory action research: Collaborative environmental justice in the Imperial Valley and the identifying violations affecting neighborhoods community development project, Kristian Michelle Salgado


The historical evaluation and significance of the Old Joerger ranch, Martis Valley, California, Hope Caroline Schear


Dynamic balance of experienced and novice rock climbers, Brian G. Shea


Impacts of the changes made to solar net metering by northern California community choice aggregators, Steven Benton Shoemaker


The effects of ladder training on sprint and change of direction performance, Trevor Short


Effects of manual and mechanical Ammophila arenaria removal techniques on coastal dune plant communities and dune morphology, Monique R. Silva Crossman


Treatment wetland remediation via in situ solids digestion using novel blue frog circulators, Kyle T. Sipes


Café para todos: A critical narrative of bilingual education policy and practice in monolingual Spain, Grant A. Skoglund


What's so great about the alternative? Understanding motivations for participating in Humboldt County alternative food networks, Jessica Smith


The entangled student: identity control theory and student identity, Joshua Smith


Evaluating habitat selection models to improve site selection in a population monitoring program for Townsend's big-eared bats (Corynorhinus Townsendii), Katrina J. Smith


Evaluating socioeconomic dimensions for a resilient shellfish mariculture industry in Humboldt Bay: Assessing the strengths, vulnerabilities, and potential of Humboldt’s expanding industry, Wyatt G. Smith


We break our bodies to save our souls: identity construction through the participation in flat track roller derby, Torisha Stone


Effects of collaborative teaching evaluation process on teacher/administrator collegiality, Gary A. Storts Jr.


Effects of a peer-assisted physical activity program on depression and anxiety in college students, Crystal Stroud


Rangewide tidewater goby occupancy survey using environmental DNA, Michael Sutter


Leadership and identity disruption, Lily Syfers


Trace element and isotopic fingerprinting of olivine phenocrysts as recorders of magmatic processes in the Golden Trout Volcanic Field, Kern Plateau, CA, Mark E. Szymanski


The performance of 2D and 3D tsunami evacuation maps: A case study for Seaside, Oregon, Aaron M. Taveras


Reliability and validity of the Humboldt food addiction questionnaire, Sarah R. Taylor


Predictive mapping of two nearshore, demersal fish species on northern California reefs using scuba-based visual surveys and remote sensing, Christopher H. Teague


Characterizing the effect of cJun on the expression of Oct4 variants and how they correlate with the expression of genes associated with potency and cell fate of murine embryonic stem cells, Kristine Teague


The ability of Phyllospadix spp., a pair of intertidal foundation species, to maintain biodiversity and ameliorate CO2 stress in rocky shore tidepools, Tayler M. Tharaldson


The effects of prophylactic ankle bracing on knee and hip mechanics in basketball players during jump landing, Riann Thayer


A new anatomically-preserved plant from the lower Devonian of Quebec (Canada): implications for Euphyllophyte phylogeny and early evolution of structural complexity, Selin Toledo


How anthropogenic climate change exacerbates vulnerability in prison communities; a critical environmental justice analysis, John L. Veit


Tracing writer/reader identity in, and in response to, queer latinx Autohistoria-Teorìa, Corrina Wells


Evaluating current and future range limits of an endangered, keystone rodent (Dipodomys ingens), Ivy V. Widick


The effects of forest degradation on DNA methylation in Central African songbirds, Andrew K. Wiegardt