We are proud to provide access to the theses and projects of successful graduate students at Cal Poly Humboldt. You can search for titles or authors in the search bar on the right.
The Spring 2024 submission deadline is Monday, May 12, 2024. To submit your thesis or project for approval, use the Submit Thesis button on the right-side menu or click HERE. Committee members will only have until Tuesday, May 13, to register their approvals, so please notify them that you will be submitting. Please Submit Early to allow your committee members time to electronically register their approval.
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Theses/Projects from 2020
Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) dispersal and life history variations among Humboldt Bay watersheds, Madison J. Halloran
You have a voice here: implementing Armenian feminist literature within feminist discourse, Grace Hart
Ain't no love in the heart of the mountains: hip-hop, exclusion, and the White Wilderness, Leonard Alexander Henderson
Is inclusion the answer?, Jacqueline M. Hewins
Changes in prey mortality: the efects of multiple predators and temperature on California mussels, Wesley Hull
Changing seasons of resistance: impacts of settler colonialism and climate change in indigenous worlds, Elizabeth Jackson
The effect of shade tree species on bird communities in Central Kenyan coffee farms, Deven Kammerichs-Berke
Comparing environmental DNA and traditional monitoring approaches to assess the abundance of outmigrating coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in California coastal streams, Emerson Alan Kanawi
Mand training and prompt fading: teaching yes-no manding, Jessica M. Kelly
Comparing knee joint mechanics across phases of the menstrual cycle, Bethany Kilpatrick
Ethnic identity and stress appraisal as acculturative stress processes among Armenian Americans, Tsolak Michael Kirakosyan
Species distribution models for three deep-sea coral and sponge taxa in the Southern California Bight, Nissa Kreidler
Collective efficacy: gaining the perspective of teachers, Ashley R. Lankila
Does pregnancy enhance sensitivity to emotional displays of threat?, Lauren E. Larsen
(In)Equities in the publishing industry: the politics of representation, Hallie R. Lepphaille
ACEs & trauma-informed practices for children & educators in early childhood education, Ariel L. Llorente
Multiple criteria decision-making approach to support timber transportation planning – case study in Brazil, Marinna Lopes Ferreira Gomes
Lethal floral patterns: an examination of the effects of Orientalism on the sport of Muay Thai, Timothy R. Macias
Micronutrient supplementation in relation to hair loss syndrome in California mule deer, Max W. Marquez
Multivariate habitat-based predictive modeling of three demersal rockfish species in central California, Georgia R. Martel
Systematics of Amanita (Amanitaceae, Agaricales, Basidiomycota) from the Guiana Shield and Central Africa, Kennan S. Mighell
A tale of two cervids: habitat selection and spatial ecology of Roosevelt and tule elk in California, Adam S. Mohr
Spatiotemporal partitioning of mammalian mesopredators in response to drought and urbanization in California's Central Valley, Chad W. Moura
The ability of fragmented kelp forests to mitigate ocean acidification and the effects of seasonal upwelling on kelp-purple sea urchin interactions, Kindall A. Murie
Effects of extreme behaviors and outbursts in kindergarten classrooms, Christine M. Ng
Estimates of calf survival and factors influencing Roosevelt elk mortality in northwestern California, Erin Nigon
Quantifying Pacific lamprey (Entosphenous tridentatus) ammocoete habitat availability and the risk associated with the summer hydrograph recession limb in coastal northern California, Katrina Clare Nystrom
The effects of feral cat removal on rat abundance in an insular, tropical ecosystem, Douglas A. Page
Relationship of parent academic socialization to academic success among first generation college students, Aubrey Pellicano
Sustainable transportation for HSU Stakeholders: looking into access and behavior, Aneika J. Perez
Shifting sands: social cues influence the long-term dynamics of snowy plover distribution, Jeremy John Pohlman Mr
Recolonization potential for Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in tributaries to the Klamath River after dam removal, Max M. Ramos
Reflections of an impossible ideal: passion as the will to downfall in Madame Bovary, Christopher Ramponi
Effects of gap junction blockage on regenerating body segments of Lumbriculus variegatus, Monica K. Richmond
One-way immersion education educación de inmersión unidireccional, Angela Renée Rivera
Anaerobic capacity measures in healthy active adults ages 18-29: normative reference values and differences between sex, Dylan E. Roberts
The rattle call: a female-specific vocalization in Steller's jays, Kachina L. Rowland
Aspen growth response in the presence of inter-annual climate fluctuation and disturbance in the Lake Tahoe Basin, Keath K. Sakihara
The effects of woody vegetation encroachment and removal within a coastal fen, Joseph Saler
Age-specific and species-specific tree response to seasonal drought in tropical dry forests, Emily A. Santos
Analyzing lower extremity injury profiles of pedestrian traffic fatalities according to vehicle type, Jacqulyn M. Scheer
An ecomorphological analysis of locomotion in larvae and neotenes of two salamander species: Dicamptodon tenebrosus (stream-type) and Ambystoma gracile (pond-type), Ethan Hardister Snee
Efficacy of forest restoration treatments across a 40-year chronosequence at Redwood National Park, Kevin Soland
Judgements of attributional responsibility, social dominance orientation, and the insanity defense., Stephanie S. Souter
Impacts of flow releases on invertebrate drift and juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) diet on the Trinity River below Lewiston Dam, Thomas R. Starkey-Owens
The ginger, the pin-up, or the stepchild? Redheadedness as an embodied trope, Morgan Lee Thornburg
Training postural control with eyes closed vs. eyes open and effects on postural control improvement, Mark D. Ulbricht
Evaluation of 1-D and 2-D hydraulic models for designing and assessing fullspan stream crossings, Alyssa Sachiko Virgil
Alternative water sources in western conifers via foliar uptake and hydraulic redistribution, Ariel Sol Weisgrau
Skill development and the making of the global citizen: an analysis of student experiences with study abroad at Humboldt State University, Kellie S. Wilkerson
A review of the evidence supporting play-based learning for children with autism spectrum disorder, Josh Wilson
Apparent survival of snowy plovers varies across years and between sexes in coastal Northern California, Justin A. Windsor
Growth of juvenile Red Abalone (Haliotis rufescens) fed different seaweed-based diets, Quinn C. Wulffson
Community development financial institutions (CDFIs): an analysis within the political and economic context of neoliberalism, Tracie Victoria Wynand
Phylogenetic and population genetic analysis of the Humboldt's flying squirrel using high-throughput sequencing data, Stella Chi Yuan
Assessing methods for estimating biological sex from subadult skeletal elements, Dorota Zabnicka
Theses/Projects from 2019
DIY art and community activism, Preston Allen
Preservando nuestra lengua materna: A project based curriculum created for high school Spanish for native speakers class, Angela Tovar Alvarado
Wild blueberries increase fat oxidation rate during moderate intensity exercise, Jessie Armendariz
“There's no I in team”: Student athlete identity at an NCAA Division II university, Jovanah Arrington
Physical therapist views and experiences with patient use of marijuana, Arturo De La O Basurto Jr.
Competition, climate, and drought effects on tree growth in an encroached oak woodland in Northern California, Jill J. Beckmann
Evidence for a new search behavior: porcupines “scout” for winter habitat during summer in a coastal dune system, Pairsa N. Belamaric
Perception of nursing education in Nepal: Meeting the needs of nursing as profession in a global health care community, Pamela Bellah
Working toward graduation: how working an on-campus, part-time job can affect retention rates among racially minoritized students pursuing a bachelor’s degree., Shannon Rose Berge
"We're all aging": a discourse analysis of older adults aging experiences in Humboldt County, Kaitlyn Dawn Boyes
Multidecadal change in Aspen experiencing long-unburned, mixed-severity wildfire, and reburn disturbance regimes, Cerena Brewen
Assessing the technical, economic, and environmental feasibility of floating solar power generation on water reservoirs in Vietnam, Phuong Anh Bui
Effects of thinning and prescribed burning on tree resistance to extreme drought in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest, California USA, Chance C. Callahan
Contribution of juvenile estuarine residency in a bar-built estuary to recruitment of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), Emily Katherine Chen
Emergent bilinguals and academic language acquisition through the use of sentence frames, Leah Clougherty
Effects of longline oyster aquaculture on benthic invertebrate communities in Humboldt Bay, California, Hannah C. Coe
Understanding the intersection of cannabis and physical activity, Lukas E. Coppen
The effect of manipulating vertical motion on running economy, Claire Copriviza
Parent attitudes towards inclusion in physical education, Sarah Astrid Crye
Overwinter survival and movement of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in relation to large woody debris and low-velocity habitat in Northern California streams, John D. Deibner-Hanson
Ectomycorrhizal fungal community assembly on seedlings of a neotropical monodominant tree, Carolyn Delevich
Achromatic plumage patch quality: internal organ and skeletal correlates in Aleutian cackling geese (Branta hutchinsii leucopareia), Matthew D. Delgado
Fishing community capitals & regulatory ghosts: Planning for sustainability in Eureka, California, Robert J. Dumouchel II
Towards a critical game based pedagogy, Justin K. Egan
Environmental values of California winegrape growers and the use of barn owls (Tyto alba) as a tool for integrated pest management, Brooks R. Estes
Addressing divergent audiences in conservation communication: an examination of land trust websites in Northern California, Tova Fleming
Distribution and habitat use of a recently discovered population of Humboldt martens in California, Holly E. Gamblin
Freshwater and marine survival of coho salmon (oncorhynchus kisutch) as a function of juvenile life history, Grace Katherine Ghrist
Bully-victimization, depression, and school connectedness in early adolescent students, Irene Gonzalez-Herrer
The effects of motivational climate on skill acquisition and motivation for physical activity in children with intellectual disabilities, Lucas Henry Govan
The effect of interval intensity on time to exhaustion during high intensity interval training (HIIT) running in recreational male runners, Andrew M. Hahn
Building energy modeling and techno-economic feasibility analysis of zero net energy tiny homes in coastal Humboldt County, California, Jeffrey Alan Harkness
Cultivating Chingona power: a study on the Chingona identity, Celia Orosco Haro
The effects of circuit training on decreasing off-task behaviors for children with autism spectrum disorder, Juan C. Hernandez
Publishing for transfer: notes toward an editorial pedagogy for the transfer-based writing program, Marcos A. Hernandez
The effects of group and individual based physical activity on mood in children with intellectual disabilities, Bunlong Hong