Graduation Date

Spring 2024

Document Type



Master of Science degree with a major in Kinesiology, option Exercise Science

Committee Chair Name

Dr. Eli Lankford

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Dr. Jill Anderson

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Third Committee Member Name

Dr. Lex Gidley


Isocaloric, Gait, Hiking, Lunge, Lower limb accelerations

Subject Categories



Purpose: To examine muscle activation and biomechanical differences between high-incline walking (HIW) at 20% grade and level-grade jogging (LGJ) at isocaloric intensity on a treadmill. Methods: Physically inactive men and women between 18-31 completed the study. Participants (n=19) completed two isocaloric exercise trials (HIW and LGJ), each ten minutes in duration. EMG data was obtained from the Bicep Femoris (BF), Gluteus Maximus (GM), Lateral Gastrocnemius (LG), Tibialis Anterior (TA), Vastus Lateralis (VL), Anterior Deltoid (AD), Erector Spinae (ES) and Soleus (SOL). Resultant accelerations on the foot and sacrum were measured by IMU.

Results: When subjects were matched at isocaloric intensities between LGJ and HIW, the mean peak resultant acceleration was significantly higher in the LGJ than HIW for the foot (22.14 ± 8.44 m/s²) and sacrum (27.21 ± 7.92 m/s²). Peak EMG activation was significantly greater during LGJ in TA (40.9% ± 21.4), AD (21.9% ± 7.8), and VL (52.6% ± 39.8) when compared to HIW. The area under the curve was significantly greater in the LGJ for the TA (13.8% ± 5.0) and AD (1.4% ± 0.7) than HIW. Conclusion: Both activities burned the same amount of energy, but LGJ increased lower body muscles' peak activation and force with higher resultant accelerations of the foot and sacrum.

Citation Style


Available for download on Saturday, May 03, 2025


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