We are proud to provide access to the theses and projects of successful graduate students at Cal Poly Humboldt. You can search for titles or authors in the search bar on the right.

The Fall 2024 submission deadline is Monday, December 16, 2024. To submit your thesis or project for approval, use the Submit Thesis button on the right-side menu or click HERE. Committee members will only have until Tuesday, December 17, to register their approvals, so please notify them that you will be submitting. Please Submit Early to allow your committee members time to electronically register their approval.

Deadlines, formatting, and accessibility requirements are strictly enforced. Please send us a draft to cfr@humboldt.edu for a courtesy review. The deadline for submission for a courtesy review is Monday, December 2.

This Canvas workshop is required. This thirty minute workshop will save you hours of work later. For your reference, here is a streamlined checklist we use to evaluate your thesis.

Please use the thesis templates to download a pre-formatted Word file for your thesis. You can download the latest Microsoft Word software for free here. For more formatting information (along with other info), please visit the Graduate Studies formatting page. If you have questions or would like to request an online consultation, please contact us at cfr@humboldt.edu.


Theses/Projects from 2019


The effects of oral contraceptives on mood and affect: a meta-analysis, Erica M. Motter


Converting coast redwood/Douglas-fir forests to multiaged management: residual stand damage, tree growth, and regeneration, Robert Thomas Muma


Estimating space sharing between seabird, pinniped, and human use in the northern California coast, Claire Marie Nasr


Communities towards social sustainability: A case study of La'akea permaculture community and Lost Valley education and event center, Richard Brett Olson


Biologically framed schizophrenia as a barrier to belief in free will, Nicholas L. Ortiz


Drought and coyotes mediate the relationship between mesopredators and human disturbance in California, Molly K. Parren


Host-plant specialization and nesting biology of anthidium placitum (megachilidae) in Northwest California, Christopher Pow


Assessing craniofacial variation and sexual dimorphism in a skeletal sample from Medieval Prussia, Carrisa Sue Pritchard


Solar+ microgrid costs at gas station and convenience stores in the state of California, Thalia Quinn


Seaweed community structure along environmental gradients in an ocean-dominated estuary, Saskia A. Raether


An intersectional perspective on diversity in environmental regulatory agencies: a case study of women of color and their liminal position of identity in South Florida, Leah A. Ramnath


Application of the predicted repetitions-to-failure perceived exertion scale for the NFL-225lb bench press test, Anthony G. Ratto


On the edge of inclusion: A look at the shifting of representation in museum display and archival cataloging, Natalie Ray


Phonetic convergence and auditory imagery in reading, Josue E. Rodriguez


Ethos in climate change communication: Analyzing digital and broadcast news coverage of the fourth national climate assessment, Dakota Rohlin Mr.


Effects of a physical activity educational program on parents self-efficacy for facilitating independent physical activity for their children with disabilities, Dahnika Y. Romero


The green web: evaluating online news communities and their environmentalism, Stian Himberg Roussell


Autumn roost selection by male hoary bats (Lasiurus cinereus) in Northern California, Danielle (Skye) Salganek


A soil genesis investigation into possible long-range transport of foreign sediments in the Stann Creek District of Belize, Heath Sawyer


Understory light, regeneration, and browsing effects in irregular structures created by partial harvesting in coast redwood stands, Kurt Anthony Schneider


Shade trees preserve avian insectivore biodiversity on coffee farms in a warming climate, Sarah L. Schooler


Evaluation of range-wide occupancy and survey methods for the giant kangaroo rat (Dipodomys ingens), Alyssa E. Semerdjian


Get the fuck out for a positive identity, Bryan Sherburne


Masculine norms, psychological symptom severity, and intentions to seek formal help in male college students, Zahra S. Shine


Pornstars, content creators, and sex educators: A discourse analysis of gender, sexuality & resistance in the West-Coast pornography industry, Samantha Silver


Overlooked fisheries of Baduwa’t: An oral history study exploring the environmental and cultural histories of eulachon and Pacific lamprey in the Mad River basin, a Wiyot watershed, Kara Lindsay Simpson


Techno- economic feasibility study of solar water pumping for public facilities in Nigeria, Anamika Singh


"I see gay people" gaydar abilities in a real-world distribution, Benjamin Patrick Skillman


Elucidating patterns of bat species occupancy across a disturbed landscape in California's Central Valley, Trinity N. Smith


Reclamation through alteration of the body: Heavily tattooed women’s perceptions of self, Vanessa E. Smith


(In)difference to survivors: The anti-violence comics project, Henry Solares


Spatial variability in recruitment of Chilipepper rockfish (sebastes goodei) in the California current system, Laura K. Solinger


Relationship between habitat and barn owl prey delivery rate and composition in a Napa Valley vineyard agroecosystem, Dane A. R. St. George


Promoting English fluency through peer feedback and dialogue journals in an ESL college classroom, Sarah L. Stone


Does Waldorf education offer a well-rounded and integrated experience that prepares students for higher grades and life in general?, Jacqueline A. Stratton


Performance profile for tabata intermittent training on treadmill, Nathan Tamayo


Reserve, symptoms, sex, and outcome following a single sports-related concussion, Summer A. Thornfeldt


Consensual non monogamy in Humboldt County: An exploration of jealousy, intimacy, and emergent relational ideologies, Isaac W. Torres


Tree squirrels and fishers in Northern California: The effects of masting hardwoods on stand use, Andria M. Townsend


A time- and state-based approach to estimate winter movement and survival of juvenile coho salmon (oncorhynchus kisutch) in freshwater creek, California, Nicholas Paul Van Vleet


Evaluation of restoration techniques and management practices of tule pertaining to eco-cultural use, Irene A. Vasquez


Gender representation in art pedagogy: a survey of student knowledge and attitudes around gender balance in art education, Julia S. White


Serving in the kingdom: a volunteer experience in the development of efl literacy in Tonga, Melissa Wise


Exercise and the effects of off-task time behavior during academic time among children with disabilities, Morgan L. Wood


The effects of video modeling on complimentary behaviors towards children with disabilities in typically developing children: A case study, Rhodes D. Wroth


The relationship between personality characteristics and creativity on judgements of facial attractiveness, Zhelin Wu

Theses/Projects from 2018


The effects of prophylactic ankle bracing on collegiate women's basketball ankle range of motion, static balance, and dynamic balance, Damian Ignacio Aguilar


Technical and economic feasibility of utilizing efficient photovoltaic systems to power rural health centres in the federal capital territory (FCT) of Nigeria, Jimento G. Aikhuele


Religion, language, gender, and culture: challenges experienced by Saudi international students in Humboldt County, Dafer Sahab Alqarni


Utility-scale solar photovoltaic hosting potential of historic mill sites in Humboldt County, California, Michael Avcollie


Investigating differing degrees of FoxO3a expression in adult neural stem cells between age groups in zebrafish, Francis G. Bacik


Productivity and cost of a cut-to-length commercial thinning operation in a northern California redwood forest, Kigwang Baek


The 2016 election: Conservative female voters agentive, adversarial and resolutely republican, Laura F. Benne MS


Key themes for identifying trauma informed care best practices within secondary education, Mathew Dean Bigham


Extending the fossil record of the Polytrichaceae (Bryophyta): insights from the early Cretaceous of Vancouver Island, Canada, Alexander C. Bippus


Foraging habitat of pileated woodpeckers in relation to a managed landscape on the Hoopa Valley reservation, Northwestern California, Dawn Michelle Blake


Assessing spatio-temporal patterns of forest decline across a diverse landscape in the Klamath Mountains using a 28-year Landsat time-series analysis, Drew S. Bost


Fall risk behaviors and intrinsic risk factors for falls in indigenous and non-indigenous rural older adults, Andre Gallegos Bouweraerts


An analysis of the affect that music has on the level of engagement and the rate of efficiency during a structured task for students with autism specturm disorder, Dustin Joel Bradshaw


Low income housing energy efficiency improvement program for the Yurok tribe of Northern California, Keivan Branson


The developmental implications of the regulatory relationship between cJun and OCT4 in murine embryonic stem cells, Rachel E. Brewer


Dinjik enjit nerrzhrii (we are hunting for moose): an evaluation of tribal co-management in the Yukon flats, interior Alaska, Kelda E. Britton


Playing and learning through text and images: Examining features of adolescent literacy and the potential of graphic novels as a supportive tool, Emily Ann Bushta


"Ninis'a:n M'ixine:whe' YiŁchwe": Towards a local land based pedagogy in Northern California's North Coast for local indigenous heritage languages, Chance Edward Carpenter IV


The role of social capital in fishing community sustainability: case of Shelter Cove, CA, Laura R. Casali


Hunting habitat use and selection patterns of barn owl (Tyto alba) in the urban-agricultural setting of a prominent wine grape growing region of California, Xeronimo A. Castaneda


The positive effects on attitude among high school students towards students with autism spectrum disorder, Mario Castillo-Urbina


Negatively correlated abundance suggests competition between red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) and red sea urchins (Mesocentrotus franciscanus) inside and outside established MPAs closed to commercial sea urchin harvest in northern California, Johnathan Centoni


Evaluation of a family fitness program: The Fit Fam program, Steven Childs


License to ill: slang and uncertainty as motivational accounts for group identification, Benny Chu


A little dab will do ya: An exploration of first time dabbers on YouTube, Christopher L. Coker


The effect of a summer family fitness program on the fitness levels of children with disabilities, Emily Cole


Stability for a small historic house museum: Drafting a collection management policy for the Trinidad Museum, Alexandra Mackay Cox


Check-in/check-out teaches skills for success, Jennifer Elaine Coyle and Jennifer Coyle


Historical consciousness, the cultural imaginary and postcolonial subjectivity in Ruth Ozeki's A Tale for the Time Being, Cassandra S. Curatolo


Involvement and campus climate on the academic success of black college students, Tyries Delemar


Changes in demography, distribution, and diet in garter snakes following eradication of a non-native prey subsidy, Justin A. Demianew Mr.


Out of sight, out of mind: An analysis of household food waste in Arcata, California, Jennifer Michelle Domareki


Banking for the future: An ethnographic study on the local food bank, its role on food justice, and patron perception, Edward Fernandez


Fighting rape culture at Humboldt state university: challenges and growth in student activism, Ariel Rose Fishkin


The effects of ocean acidification and reduced oxygen on the behavior and physiology of juvenile rockfish, Corianna H. Flannery


Learning from a restoration innovator: Building community capitals and resilience through the restoration economy, Marisa Formosa


Stress and frailty in medieval Prussia: interpretations from skeletal remains at Bezławki, Katherine E. Gaddis


Attachment, stress, and self-efficacy while parenting children on the autism spectrum, Angela Maire Galioto


Community-based initiatives for neighborhood and community rehabilitation: a case study of the Mission District, San Francisco, California, Francesca Monique Gallardo


Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in a physical education/physical activity environment: Meta analysis, Jessica Giesige


Children's mental health care needs assessment in six rural northern California counties, Brandi L. Goodspeed


The effects of self-adherent taping on peak inversion angle and eversion moment upon landing during a maximal vertical jump and a depth drop, Christopher M. Gregoire


The effects of physical activity on sleep patterns in children with developmental disabilities, Rebecca Griffith


Stormwater management in Philadelphia: the importance of green stormwater infrastructure and community involvement in greater citywide sustainability, Julie Groff


Framings of nature in Planet Earth II and Wild Safari LIVE, Joshua Gross


Assessment of peripheral BDNF levels over 30 days, Sally Hang


The effect of postural alterations on metabolic cost in running on incline slopes, Nikaela K. Hemminger


Increasing uninterrupted walking distance for students with autism spectrum disorder, steven r. hinojosa


Export of invertebrate drift from fishless headwater streams, Jonathan M. Hollis


Listening to our graduate students' feedback: Graduate student exit and alumni surveys, Alison W. Hong-Novotney


Impacts on soils and residual trees from cut-to-length thinning operations in California's redwood forests, Kyungrok Hwang


Middle school natural disaster inquiry unit with scaffolding, Megan Mali Ireson-Janke


A comparison of community structure in regulated and unregulated reaches in the Upper Eel River, California, Lara Stephanie Jansen


Differential predictors of opposition to same-sex marriage and sexual prejudice, Latishia E Y Jett-Dias