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Graduation Date

Summer 2024

Document Type



Master of Arts degree with a major in Education

Committee Chair Name

Dr. Marisol Ruiz

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Dr. Tristan Gleason

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Third Committee Member Name



Education, Privatization, Pearson, Information, Colonization, Erasure, Iconization, Fractal recursivity, Global control, Government, Corporations

Subject Categories



The corporation Pearson PLC has spread from a small town in England to over two hundred countries worldwide. The Pearson family is deeply tied to the British monarchy as the heirs to the fortune are Viscounts. The education-focused company states that its bottom line is growth and profits above all else. Pearson started as a construction company, made immense amounts of money with oil and utilities in Mexico and South America, owns and controls vast numbers of media outlets, and is the largest producer of educational materials in the world. This mini-documentary provides a brief overview and outline of Pearson PLC's history and growth while touching upon other aspects of its vision, including the purposeful push to make English the dominant language of education and business worldwide and its move to control licensure of authority figures and professionals across the globe in coordination with government officials as they make programs and policies.

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