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Capstones from 2025
Is mortality of a common shrub a heritable trait? An experimental evaluation of senescence using the coast willow, Salix hookeriana., Maylin A. On, RJ Polyack, Sarah Galloway, and Erik Jules
Capstones from 2024
Intercultural and International Communication in the Surrogacy Industry, Jessica Baker
The Online Education Landscape, Digital Tools, and COVID-19, Rosetta S. Burk
Eco-Cultural Restoration of Mouralherwaqh: Site Description and Invasive Species Treatment Plan in King Salmon, California, Natalie Bridget Calderon, Myion Rickey, King Baptista, Owen Bardsley, and Jillian Snowhook
Ecocultural Monitoring and Erosion Mitigation in Powers Creek, a Baduwa’t Tributary, in Blue Lake, California, Sebastian Castillo, Lillyauna Perry, Daniel Price, and Lokey Struve
Pulling Back the Redwood Curtain: The Chinese Experience in Humboldt in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Christopher J. Chu
Rending the Social Fabric: Vigilante Strikebreaking in 1930s California, Abigail Ivie Claybrook
Determining the Quality and Quantity of California Sitka Spruce (Picea Sitchensis) on Private Commercial Timberland for Use in Domestic Acoustic Steel-String Guitars, Ryan Eugene Cooper
Rhetoric on Climate Change and the Effects on Public Perceptions, Hailey Mina Rose Dossey
Amplifying Awareness: Narrative Rationality in the Discourse of Childhood Cancer, Rosalinda L. Frick
Gentrification: Colonialism In Plain Sight?, Isaiah Henderson
A Symbolic Interactionism’s Perspective of the Attack on the U.S. Capitol., Odeli Hernandez
Finding Joy and Community in Climate Action, Deanna Kellom
Mapping Kinnikinnick and Assessing Habitat Factors for Brown Elfin Butterfly at the North Ma-le’l Dunes, California, Harper Lacey, Elizabeth McGuire, Sienna Tubridy, and Mark McKenna
The Impact of Communication through Community and Public Radio, Matthew D. Mazzucco
Table Top Roleplaying & Communication: Rituals, Rhetoric & Reclamation, Logan Cyrus Sayles
Implications of using eDNA as a monitoring tool in the Elk River estuary, Trinity Brooke Spencer, Christy Elaine Wheatly, and Fernando Edgar Martinez
Influence of Elevation on Plant Survivorship in Baduwa’t Estuary, Richard Louis Toledo Jr., Celine Aguilera, Rivé Prater, and Claire Durbin
Capstones from 2023
Comparing Fish Species Assemblage Between Impacted and Restored Estuarine Salt Marshes within the Eel River Estuary, Humboldt Co. CA, Adam Aguilar, Isaac Basham-Clair, Tristan F. Parkinson, and Larkin C. Wells
Coastal Prairie Enhancement Recommendations for the Baduwa’t Estuary Overlook, Kelly Corcoran, Gabe Acosta, and Parker Bacon
Cultural and Ecological Restoration of School Creek at Blue Lake Rancheria, Humboldt County, CA, Cecilia C. French, Michelle Mendoza, Roots Galindo, and August O'Neil
Analysis of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Response to Restoration Flows and Scour in the Trinity River, Northern California, Sarah Gutierrez and Julie Avina
Sampling Lepidopter Moth Diversity across Different Treatment Plots at the Ocean Ranch Unit in the Eel River Wildlife Area, Humboldt County, California, Cory M. Kragness, Madison S. Montiel, Victoria C. Budke, and Ryanne N. Chapman
Treatment Plan and Educational Guide for Removing Invasive Barnyard Grass, Canada Thistle, and Cocklebur within the Baduwa't (Mad River) Estuary, Ashley S. Turner and Alex D. Lallman
Publications from 2022
Dissecting Ideologies Embedded in Ford Advertisement, Sidney Rain Shabnam Afsarzadeh
Continuing the conversation "The opportunity of adversity": a Neo-Aristotelian rhetorical analysis, Megan R. Ancheta
Molding Malleable Minds, One Poem at a Time, Rebecca C. Bendzick
I’m Not a Tragedy: Speaking Up About Ableist Microaggressions, Kasandra Marguerite Colwell
The Power of a Podcast, Breanna Donlon
The Misrepresentation of Women in the Media and Women’s Rights, Hannah M. Endicott
A History Cannabis as a Cultural Communication Artifact, Morgan L. Harper
A Critical Analysis of Mobile Interpersonal Relationships through Uncertainty Reduction Theory, Rachael L. Kee
Rhetorical Analysis of Choosing to go to the Moon "and do the Other Things", Skyler M. Kona
Children’s Film Media’s Influence on Gender, Race, and Identity, Sara M. Kovis
Healthy Environmental Communication Practices, Michelle Monique Magana
Interpersonal Communication From Student to Host Family, Tajma R. Magee
Challenges Faced by Recently Emancipated Youth, Williams Peña and Jerry Walter Butkiewicz III
How Biden wants us to think about Ukraine’s conflict, Rainer Shea
Non-Verbal Communication, Anxiety, Behavioral Changes within Covid Regulatory Changes, Sydney Stack and Olivia McCracken
Data Capitalism, Digital Health, and Marxism, Samantha C. Stanger
Ripe for Consumption: Separating Women from Autonomy, Nicole Kasandra Stibbard
Publications from 2020
Shifting A Culture, Ardeshir J. Arjomand
Representation in Animation, Michelle L. Benoit
Pink Is The New Tax, Eliana Burns
Academy of the Redwoods, Kasey J. Detrick
Transgender Research Part A and B, Conor Jesse Finnegan
Group Involvement: Cohesion & Tensions through Collaboration, Edwin Hernandez
Bisexuality, Intersectionality, and the Bechdel Test in Jane the Virgin, Catherine E. Mallory Ms.
Stereotyping Gender Roles: Children's Commercial Advertisement, Lucky J. McClelland
Countercultural Representation, Ethan A. McGriff
HSU Communicative Practices: Administration Must Include the Student Voice, Q Medina
North Korea vs United States of America Relations, Michael PItts
Consumerism and Covid - 19 : A Neoliberal Analysis, Taylor M. Roy
Communication Classes That Help With Employment, Cole Savin
Bosch Creates the First Surreal Painting of Hell, Sayed Ahmad Shah
Healthcare, Foucault, and the Politics of COVID-19, Canyon Smith
Parenting in the Public Eye, Sarah Stauff
Like a Virgin: Comparing Cross-Cultural Virginity, Anastasia M. Tejada
Mankind, Humans, Congressman: It’s All Inclusive, Right Guys?, Rachael Thacker
The Cost for Our Entertainment, Jasmine Younger
Doing Gender: Cars and Culture in the United States, Adrian L. Zavala