Graduation Date

Fall 2017

Document Type



Master of Arts degree with a major in Social Science, Environment and Community

Committee Chair Name

Sarah Jaquette Ray

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Anthony Silvaggio

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Third Committee Member Name

Marisol Ruiz

Third Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Campesin@s, Personal narrative, Environmental discourse, Dominant narrative, Marginalize, Raza, Identity

Subject Categories

Environment and Community


In a society where it seems ever more important for people to define their identity based on their personal story while seeking approval and validity, many campesin@s’[farmworkers] identities are not being treated as such. Campesin@s’ narratives and their identity are trivialized due to the environmental movement, the food movement, and society at large. Furthermore, the lack of inclusivity and representation of campesin@s continue to be reinforced in the environmental discourse. This research centers on personal narrative to understand what makes a campesin@’s identity, how personal narratives play a critical role in empowering campesin@s, and the knowledge campesin@s can contribute to the environmental discourse. This research is situated in two agricultural cities that are located in the central coast of California. The qualitative research methods utilized in this research consisted of two case studies, semi-structure interviews, and participant observation. Campesin@s lose control of identify themselves when personal narrative is not taking into consideration, inevitably allowing for the dominant narrative to fabricate them a false identity. Consequently, without proper interpretation and understanding of who campesin@s are they will continue to be write them off from our society and as a human beings. Campesin@s’ narratives must be included in the environmental discourse as they are researchers and scientists of their fields. By providing allocated spaces for campesin@s to share their narratives and experiences there will be a more inclusive, holistic exchange of knowledge within the environmental discourse.

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