Graduation Date

Summer 2019

Document Type



Master of Arts degree with a major in Sociology

Committee Chair Name

Dr. Jennifer Eichstedt

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Dr. Renée Byrd


Chingona, Xingona, Chicana, Latina, Latinx, Empowerment, Feminism, Women, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Identity, Photo-elicitation

Subject Categories



Mujeres across the country are claiming the Chingona identity and using it to cultivate their Chingona strength, feel empowered, and live for their own approval. A Chingona in this newly reclaimed use means a woman who embodies confidence, acceptance of self, reclamation of sexuality, siguiendo le adelante por su propio camino sin importarle lo que digan los demás, rejects social and cultural norms/expectations of women, and uses her strengths to empower and uplift others. Through the reclamation of this identity, these mujeres are moving beyond being hijas de la chingada to being Chingonas. This research highlights the Chingona identity through interviews and photo elicitation with nine participants to get an in-depth view of how participants make sense of their identity. This research highlights the reasons why this identity is being claimed, what it takes to be a Chingona, and the challenges faced when claiming this identity. Participants navigate the multiple identities and cultures they hold through the creation of their Chingona identity, and are able to break past challenges, barriers, norms, and expectations. Through this identity, Chingonas are being empowered to be the best version of themselves, are supporting and uplifting each other, and serving as role models for their community.

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