Graduation Date

Fall 2019

Document Type



Master of Science degree with a major in Kinesiology, option Exercise Science

Committee Chair Name

Dr. Whitney Ogle

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Gregg Gold

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Third Committee Member Name

Ara Pachmayer

Third Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Fourth Committee Member Name

Young Sub Kwon


Cannabis, Exercise, Survey, Physical activity, Marijuana

Subject Categories



Cannabis use has been gaining wider social acceptance, and with increased legalization cannabis users are talking more openly about how and why they consume cannabis. Moreover, professional and non-professional athletes are openly discussing their cannabis use in training. There is a distinct lack of cannabis research in humans, particularly as it relates to physical activity (PA). PURPOSE: To understand how and why people use cannabis with PA as well as categorizing the preferred mode of PA users engage in. METHODS: Subjects (n = 101; with ages ranging from 18-55 years old) participated in an anonymous online survey if they reported both participation in regular PA and cannabis use. The survey consisted of five sections: exercise habits when under the influence of cannabis, general exercise habits, general cannabis use, unanticipated experiences, and demographics. RESULTS: Over 42% of participants reported that they use cannabis every or almost every time before they participate in PA. Most smoke cannabis (52.5%) and use Sativa-dominant strains (64.4%) before exercise. The highest reported modes of exercise participation under the influence of cannabis included hiking (60.4%), yoga (58.4%), aerobic machines (50.5%), walking (43.6%), and weight lifting (43.6%). The primary reasons for using cannabis before exercise include: “helping to focus/concentrate” (65.3%), “helping enjoy the exercise experience” (64.4%), “enhancing mind-body-spirit connection” (64.4%), “staying in the zone” (61.4%), and “enhancing body awareness” (52.5%). The majority (68.3%) of respondents reported feeling more satisfied with their workouts under the influence of cannabis compared to when they do not use cannabis prior to exercise and have not suffered any unanticipated experiences (49.5%). CONCLUSION: This study provides a starting point for future studies investigating the impact that cannabis consumption has on physical activity participation and performance.

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