Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series
Academic Labor: Research and Artistry (Journals)
ISSN 2380-2081
Academic Labor: Research and Artistry is a peer-reviewed open access academic journal launched in 2016 by the Center for the Study of Academic Labor (CSAL) at Colorado State University. The journal seeks to motivate ongoing research on matters relating to tenure and contingency in the academy. Along with our center and web site, we seek to become a research home for those undertaking scholarship in areas broadly defined as tenure studies and contingency studies. To meet this objective, we encourage a wide range of contributions, from the statistical to the historic/archival, from the theoretical to the applied, from the researched to the creative, and from empirical to essayist forms. Our editors and reviewers include social scientists, artists, and theorists specializing in labor issues.
ALRA is supported by the WAC Clearinghouse ( You can find its latest issue and archives at

Booger! Poetry for the Young and the Young at Heart
We've extended our submission deadline to August 1st, 2023. Please submit today!
Booger! is an upcoming poetry anthology for the young and the young at heart. We aim to inspire laughter, kindness, and the love of poetry. Read more about our mission on our About page.
Visit our Submission Guidelines to learn how you can submit!

Career and Curriculum Connections: integrating career education across the disciplines (2017) (Journals)
The purpose and value attributed to higher education has broadened in recent years to go beyond educating a global citizenry to include the employability and skills of our graduates and the expectations of their future employers.
The Humboldt State University community remains committed to the social value of a college bachelor’s education as core to the development of life long learning skills and engaged global citizenship. In support of this goal, we have become more proactive and creative in our support to help students actively connect their academic, disciplinary experience to their career options and aspirations. Throughout this process we have come to recognize the opportunity this work offers to bridge the gap between academic and student support staff allowing multiple departments and divisions across campus to work toward the success of our students.
There is currently little available in terms of literature and research addressing career curriculum, practices related to teaching career readiness, or the pedagogical benefits of adding career components to existing courses. The vast majority of resources and literature approaches career services on college campuses through the lens of psychology, counseling and advising. While this is understandable, the demands for increased marketability of bachelors’ degrees have led to innovation and collaboration that has brought career services out of the periphery and into the field of academic affairs.
In efforts to address these needs, this working paper series is designed to enable a broader conversation about career curriculum and support anyone who works in this field as faculty, professional staff, or students on the receiving end of our collective efforts.
We have four areas of particular interest over the 2017-18 and 2018-2019 academic years regarding this unique approach to integrating academic disciplines and career preparation within major curriculum:
Discipline Specific Orientation: HSU’s unique contribution to the field is the discipline-specific design that allows programs to ensure they are able to maintain the integrity of their disciplines, integrate valuable practices that have been shown to enhance their curriculum, help students market their major-specific experience and demonstrate their employability.
Most of the literature on career development for college students addresses the extra-curricular or co-curricular services of career centers. Some of the literature seeks to address career-related courses and co-curricular, elective programs and even a few universities have large-scale, integrated efforts that require some career readiness interventions for their students.
Student Impact: By connecting curriculum with aspirations and interests that go beyond the four years a student spends in college, the material gains a new level of relevancy and the assignments afford new connections between students, faculty and staff. Integrating career education within majors appears to meet the criteria pertaining to high-impact practices and already shows promise in positively affecting student retention, major retention, graduation rates and classroom performance. Our efforts over the next couple years will be to back up this assertion with data and assessment of these integrated programs.
Equity: In traditional models of education, students who are comfortable approaching faculty or staff and navigating professional environments are the students who primarily receive support, instruction, and mentorship on preparing for their professional and future academic endeavors. Research demonstrates that our First Generation College Students (FGCS) and Underrepresented Groups (URGs) are the students who need these interventions the most to ensure efficacy and increased career capital. Embedding professional development within the curriculum secures a greater degree of equity for all students.
Curriculum and Pedagogy: There is a dearth literature on career curriculum and course design, therefore there is need to share and provide resources on best practices, innovative design, assessment, course design and program level implementation.
We are interested in promoting discussion and encourage papers from any and all people in this field. Our intention is to increase awareness and promote success, opportunity and the efficacy of integrating career education into curriculum. We will publish material either under a process of peer review or editor only review in an effort to ensure standards while broadening the scope of case studies and to encourage those who may not have the time for longer-term, formal research can contribute to the collective knowledge.
Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities (Journals)
ISSN 2767-2700
Redwood Writing Project and Redwood Council Teachers of English co-sponsor this annual event! This contest has been a tradition of the Redwood Council of CATE for many years now and is an opportunity for young writers to compete for recognition and publication of their work as well as to showcase their writing abilities to a broader audience. See the Redwood Writing Contents website for more information.
Order a print copy of any issue HERE.Explore the 2018 winners here.
Explore the 2019 winners here.
Explore the 2020 winners here.
Explore the 2022 winners here.
Explore the 2023 winners here.
Explore the 2024 winners here.
CouRaGeouS Cuentos: A Journal of Counternarratives (Journals)
ISSN 2689-1824
This journal is a publication by the Department of Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies (CRGS) at Cal Poly Humboldt with submissions of creative writing works by students in the Ethnic Studies 107: Chican@ / Latin@ Lives and Ethnic Studies 480: Growing Up Chicana/Latino classes.
csuglobalaction (Journals)
ISSN 2837-0643
California State University has over 55,000 faculty and staff, and 485,000 students, spread across the 23 campuses and representing nearly all geographic areas of the state. It is the largest university system in the country driving the 5th largest economy in the world.
As a whole, csuglobal seeks to harness this wealth of knowledge to the benefit of Global California by creating an academic journal suited to the 21st century. Thus, this journal is a digital platform to provide free, interactive content as a channel to showcase the university system’s greatest strength – its people – to the world.
Our aim is to analyze and promote debate on all aspects of global learning, global competencies development, and globalization through publishing original articles and multi-media presentations authored by California State University faculty, students, and staff. While the CSU mission is primarily to educate, mentor and serve its students, as a publicly funded institution, our audience and our impact affects the entire state of California.
csuglobalaction is specifically rooted in the unique teaching mission of the CSU and seeks to fill a publication gap by providing a space where faculty, administrators and staff can come together to talk about international education, pedagogy, equity, structures and values international education. Our hope is that we can break down silos between and on our campuses in the pursuit of helping international students come to our universities and our state while better supporting our students as they explore the world at home and abroad. This journal strives to offer space for an open and honest discussion about what we need to do to address the serious issues facing our communities, our state, and our world.
csuglobaljournal (Journals)
ISSN 2837-0619
California State University has over 55,000 faculty and staff, and 485,000 students, spread across the 23 campuses and representing nearly all geographic areas of the state. It is the largest university system in the country driving the 5th largest economy in the world.
As a whole, csuglobal seeks to harness this wealth of knowledge to the benefit of Global California by creating an academic journal suited to the 21st century. Thus, this journal is a digital platform to provide free, interactive content as a channel to showcase the university system’s greatest strength – its people – to the world.
Our aim is to analyze and promote debate on all aspects of global learning, global competencies development, and globalization through publishing original articles and multi-media presentations authored by California State University faculty, students, and staff. While the CSU mission is primarily to educate, mentor and serve its students, as a publicly funded institution, our audience and our impact affects the entire state of California.
csuglobaljournal is rooted in the fields of global or international studies, but in the interdisciplinary spirit of this endeavor, the four themes are intentionally broad. Our hope is that our authors and contributors will ask questions ‘outside their comfort zone’ and submit material to themes ‘against’ their disciplinary home. This journal strives to be a space for open and honest discussion about what we need to do to address the serious issues facing our communities, our state, and our world.

CSU Journal of Sustainability and Climate Change (Journals)
ISSN 2771-5582
California State University Journal of Sustainability and Climate Change
The Chancellor’s Office of Sustainability and Department of Research has collaborated with the Press at Cal Poly Humboldt to launch the peer-reviewed CSU Journal of Sustainability and Climate Change.
The Journal offers a few paths to highlight scholarship in the higher education space. Submit Today! We are accepting submissions on an on-going basis.
- Journal Articles - Academic journal with peer review for scholarly communications centered on Sustainability and Climate Change topics. Volumes follow annual schedule.
- Student Research Briefs - Academic journal affiliated content area for published student works. Simplified publication model, without peer review.
- Conference Proceedings - Academic journal affiliated content area, archive of content links for sustainability/climate change conferences.
CSU Sustainability News can be found here: click here
Dr. Natale “Nat” Zappia, a founding member of this Journal’s Editorial Board, was the Director of Institute for Sustainability at CSU Northridge. Dr. Zappia was a brilliant scholar, gifted teacher, caring mentor, beloved husband, devoted father, and a treasured member of the community. As a colleague, we were all saddened to hear of his passing recently. We were honored to have Nat as a contributing member of this Journal’s Board and deeply appreciative of the passion he brought to this project of inclusive scholarship in climate change and sustainability research. Please, donate to the CSU Sustainability and Climate Change Research Support Fund, created to honor Nat.

Humboldt Geographic (2020-2021) (Journals)
ISSN 2767-2654
Humboldt Geographic is the Cal Poly Humboldt Geography department’s annual journal of student research and creative projects. Run entirely by students, Humboldt Geographic showcases the work of emerging researchers, cartographers, and storytellers, along with contributions from alumni and faculty.
For further information, please contact Humboldt Geographic faculty advisor Dr. Matthew Derrick or Dr. Nicholas Perdue.

Humboldt Journal of Microbiology (Journals)
ISSN 2996-7988
Journal publication from the students in the General Microbiology course at Cal Poly Humboldt. Order a print copy HERE.
Humboldt Journal of Social Relations (Journals)
ISSN 0160-4341
The Humboldt Journal of Social Relations (HJSR) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal housed in the Department of Sociology at Cal Poly Humboldt. All HJSR issues are archived and searchable through JSTOR.
HJSR, Volume 47: Place-Based Digital Inquiry is now accepting proposals. Please see the Call for Submissions for information.
Click here to Submit your article!
To purchase a printed copy of recent issues of HJSR, click here: Purchase Printed Copy

IdeaFest: Interdisciplinary Journal of Creative Works and Research from Cal Poly Humboldt (Journals)
ISSN 2689-1891

IdeaFest Journal is an annual, peer-reviewed journal that showcases the work of faculty, staff, and students at Cal Poly Humboldt. The journal is an outgrowth of Cal Poly Humboldt’s IdeaFest, a day-long event which celebrates the collaborative research and creative projects of faculty and students from across campus.
The journal is open to all members of the Cal Poly Humboldt community, regardless of involvement in ideaFest events. The two ideaFest Journal deadlines are two weeks after the end of Fall and Spring semesters.
Click here to submit an article for consideration to the journal.
Click here to see information about the ideaFest event.
Contact Kyle Morgan with any questions.
Purchase Printed Copy
Journal, Arcata High School, The World "The way we saw it" (2019-2020) (The World "The way we saw it" (2018-2020))
ISSN 2689-1859
Welcome to The World "The way we saw it." This publication showcases research and creative student work across Arcata High School.
Click the title to download a free digital version of the book
To order a print copy of the book, click here.

Journal, HSU World Languages and Cultures, The World "The way we saw it" (2018-2020) (The World "The way we saw it" (2018-2020))
ISSN 2689-1840
Welcome to The World "The way we saw it." This publication showcases research and creative student work across the HSU Department of World Languages and Cultures.
Click the title to download a free digital version of the book. To see previous versions of the book, select the volume year from the left-side menu.
To order a print copies of any The World "The way we saw it" publication, click here.

Personas: Multilingual Creative Writing Journal (Journals)
This journal is intended to advance the conversation of multilingualism, primarily because there is a great deal to be communicated on the subject which has gone under-considered or consigned to the realm of graded writing.
Hopefully, in reading this journal, you will find something communicated to you that shifts your understanding and inspires you to (re)examine your perception of culture and language. We hope that you’ll then write something on the subject to share with us for the next issue which will continue to advance this conversation.

Pracademics: Journal of Applied and Scholarly Genocide Prevention
Introductory text for Pracademics: Journal of Applied and Scholarly Genocide Prevention.
Project Rebound Journal
Project Rebound Journal is an annual, peer-reviewed journal that showcases the work of students, staff, and faculty in Project Rebound programs across California State University campuses. The journal is an outgrowth of the annual Project Rebound Research Lab, which incubates a space for Project Rebound students to learn and conduct research over a 12-month period, and an extension of the legacy of Dr. John Irwin, who founded Project Rebound at San Francisco State University in 1967.
Project Rebound is a program that supports the higher education and successful reintegration of formerly incarcerated individuals wishing to enroll and succeed at any one of 19 campuses within the California State University system. By connecting students with critical resources, Project Rebound replaces the revolving door of mass incarceration with an open door to higher education, career opportunities, and pathways to success.
The journal is open to all members of the Project Rebound community and other researchers whose work supports the abolition of the carceral system and the transformative healing of those who have been harmed by this system. The Project Rebound Journal deadlines are (TBD). Project Rebound Journal.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Redwood Roots Digital Magazine (Journals)
ISSN 2767-1224
Welcome to a digital magazine about community engaged learning at Cal Poly Humboldt and stories of service in Humboldt County. Every year around a thousand students serve in the community or work on projects that benefit our local community, enhancing our college experience in the process. These are some of the best, untold stories of our time here together.
We invite you to share your story. If you are wondering if your experience is what we are hoping for, please send it in, it probably is.
Submit by clicking HERE, or the "Submit Work" button on the left-side menu, and then the pink button on the top of the following page. Please send all inquiries to Kelly Fortner at
Click to read past issues:

Rou Dalagurr Food Futures (Journals)
The Rou Dalagurr Food Futures Magazine originated as a space to elevate and forefront the important work being done in Indigenous communities, with Indigenous voices at the center, around food sovereignty, food security, Traditional Ecological Knowledges, and Indigenous Sciences. The Native American Studies Rou Dalagurr Food Sovereignty Lab & Traditional Ecological Knowledges Institute looks to annually publish this magazine. In our first edition, we highlight salmon, acorns, and kelp, as well as their interrelated communities and landscape care. Interspersed in these pages are also stories of Indigenous migrant food sovereignty and resilience, and community-based initiatives in this North Coast California region. This work is only possible due to the continued interest and support of our community in the work of the Rou Dalagurr Food Sovereignty Lab and Traditional Ecological Knowledges Institute. The Food Futures Magazine was funded by the Cowell Foundation, and the Native American Agricultural Fund. Rou Dalagurr Food Futures.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Innovative Pedagogy (2018-2020) (Journals)
ISSN 2689-1913
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Innovative Pedagogy
An Interdisciplinary Journal of Discovery, Reflection, and Evidence-Based Higher Education Teaching/Learning Methods and Research, Focusing on Innovative Pedagogy.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Innovative Pedagogy is a journal published by Cal Poly Humboldt for the promotion of scholarly pursuits in innovative teaching and learning. The journal is edited by a review board of staff and faculty, and double-blind peer-reviewed by subject experts.
Purchase Printed Copy
The Chanterelle (Journals)
The Chanterelle showcases the written work of Environmental Studies majors at Cal Poly Humboldt. Each contributing author enrolled in “ENST 395W: Research & Analysis for Environmental Studies” during the 2023-2024 academic year. While each student chose their own topic, they were prompted to write for a public audience. Specifically, they were encouraged to write for a friend, co-worker, roommate, sibling, or any other family member. Our intended audience in this magazine is thus public. We hope you enjoy this collective project. It is the outcome of course readings, research, and peer edits.
To download the full 2023-2024 issue, click here.

The International Journal of Ecopsychology (IJE) (Journals)
ISSN 2767-1380
Call for Papers: Animalia, 10(1), May 2025. Submissions due by April 30

Toyon: Multilingual Literary Magazine (Journals)
ISSN 2640-4176
Toyon is a multilingual journal of literature and art that is edited and produced by Cal Poly Humboldt students from all disciplines. While Toyon receives submissions from all over the planet, it is also a journal of North Coast writing and art, and particularly welcomes new voices in many languages. Toyon charges no reading fees, and all selections are made through blind review.
You can also submit your work by email here: