Article Submission Guidelines | CSU Journal of Sustainability and Climate Change | Journals | Cal Poly Humboldt

Article Submission Guidelines

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Options for submissions

  • Full Paper: 5000 word limit.

Review Process

All submissions will be put through a blind peer review process.

General Formatting

Please use APA guidelines and Microsoft Word file type. Please note that submission guidelines are recommendations and will not disqualify a submission from review in the journal.

  • Use Calibri font, 11 point, double-spaced.
  • Text should be left aligned with ragged right margin.
  • Headings and subheadings formatted per APA guidelines (see the Purdue Owl for the APA heading level formats).
  • Paragraphs indented .5 inches with no space between paragraphs.
  • Top, bottom, left and right margins should be set at 1 inch.
  • Do not include a title page.
  • Include page numbers.
  • Include numbered lines.
  • Do not include headers or footers.
  • Each table and figure should be referred to in the text. The word “table” and “figure” are not capitalized in the text unless they start a sentence.
  • Tables should be embedded within Word so the textual content is accessible: please refer to the specific guidelines below.
  • Include figures and figure captions in the text, but also attach the figures as additional files (preferably JPG) when you submit. Embedded images do not always render in a high enough quality necessary for print publication. Please refer to the specific guidelines below.
  • Intext citations formatted per APA guidelines (see the Purdue Owl for APA 7 citation format)
  • The reference list formatted per APA guidelines (see the Purdue Owl for APA 7 reference list format)
  • Acronyms used only to substitute for a recurring term or phrase. They must be defined at their first occurrence, and then used consistently thereafter.
  • No personally identifiable information should be included in the paper.
  • Run the grammar and spell-check before submitting.
  • Please Note: Copyedit and professional formatting will be incorporated by Journal administrative support upon acceptance into the Journal Issue.

Units of Measure

Numbers from zero through nine are spelled out unless they accompany a unit of measure. The numerical form is always used for dates, expressions of time, page numbers, decimal quantities, numerical designations, or dial positions; when expressing a ratio; and for numbers 10 and higher (except at the beginning of a sentence).


Embed tables within your manuscript. Do not paste jpg, tiff, or any other image of a table into the document as those are no accessible. We suggest using Word’s “Insert Table” function. Number tables consecutively and refer to each in the text (see table 1 example below). Put the detailed table caption above the table. Begin each table caption like this: “Table 1. Only the table header should be boldface.”

Table formatting guidelines:

  • Text within tables may be no smaller than 10-pt font.
  • Do not embed table titles or captions within the table itself.
  • Use tabs or the table function, rather than spaces, to separate columns.
  • Do not merge or split cells within the table.
  • Each row and column of a table must have an identical number of cells. To comply with these guidelines, complex tables may need to be split into multiple simple tables.
  • Table footnotes should start with the superscript “a” and should appear below the table.

Table 1. This is an example of a table.


Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Northern California




Central California




Southern California




a See Figure 1 for location of areas.


Photographs and illustrations (charts, maps, drawings) are all called “figures.” Refer to each in the text and number them. Each figure should be included in the file, but must also be submitted as a separate electronic file. We prefer JPG, but will accept TIFF and EPS files. If possible, scale individual illustrations to fit a 3.5-inch column or a 7-inch maximum page width. Begin each figure caption like this: “Figure 1. Only the figure header should be boldface.” Avoid putting footnotes in a figure; include the information in the caption.

Figure formatting guidelines:

To meet accessibility requirements, color cannot be used as the only means to convey information. Options include using patterns instead of solid colors or lines, or colors that will render in distinct shades if viewed in grayscale. To check if an image will be accessible in grayscale, click on the image, select the Format tab, then Color, and Grayscale. Please refer to the sequential-color palette options for making colorblind accessible cartography at:

When you finalize a photo or drawing, please “save as” or convert the images to one of the following formats. Note the resolution requirements:

  • Vector drawings: EPS. Embed the font or save the text as “graphics.”
  • Photographs/graphics: JPG. Use a minimum of 300 dpi.
  • Bitmapped line drawings: JPG. Scan line art at a minimum of 600 dpi.

To assess photographs for publishing, first open the file, then click “Image” and then “Image Size” (in Photoshop) or “File” and then “Properties” (in Microsoft Photo Editor). The Resolution box should read 300 pip (pixels per inch) at a minimum, and the Size box should contain the dimensions of 5x7 inches at a minimum. If either of these numbers is smaller, your photo will not reproduce well in print because there simply are not enough pixels per inch to give a sharp image. The photo might look fine on the computer screen, but that’s because computer screens are not capable of exhibiting more than 72 dpi. Simply typing a higher pixel count into the Resolution box will not improve the image.

Captions will be used to provide alternative text for figures. However, if the caption does not provide a visually impaired user an understanding of the figure, additional alternative text will be required. The alternative text description should be included in the text with the caption (ex. Figure 1. This is an example of a caption. Alt Text: This is an example of alt text), and should provide an alternative, text-based representation of the information contained in the figure. Try to keep description as short as possible while still conveying equivalent information. It is unnecessary to begin a description with “photo of” or “picture of.”

File Organization

Remember to create separate files for figures and submit them as attachments. We suggest you use the following convention: ARTICLENAME_XXXX.doc, where XXXX signifies whether it is a full article (article), an executive summary (exec-sum) or a figure (fig1, fig2, etc.). So, redwoods-analysis_article.doc is the full article, while redwoods-analysis_fig1.jpg is the figure associated with that article.


Requests for Extension: five (5) days (additional one (1) extension based on circumstances: 2 Days)


RMRS. 2017. RMRS authors standards, version 1.3, October 2017.

Smith, Cyndi M. and R.E. Keane, The Second Conference on the Research and Management of High Elevation Five Needle Pines in Western North America, January 2020.