Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Innovative Pedagogy
An Interdisciplinary Journal of Discovery, Reflection, and Evidence-Based Higher Education Teaching/Learning Methods and Research, Focusing on Innovative Pedagogy.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Innovative Pedagogy is a journal published by Cal Poly Humboldt for the promotion of scholarly pursuits in innovative teaching and learning. The journal is edited by a review board of staff and faculty, and double-blind peer-reviewed by subject experts.
Purchase Printed CopyCurrent Volume: Volume 2 (2020) Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Innovative Pedagogy
Opening Up Information Literacy: Empowering Students through Open Pedagogy
Erin Fields and Adair Harper
Accidental Information Literacy Instruction: The Work a Link Landing Page Can Do
Elizabeth Pickard and Michelle R. Desilets
One Step at a Time: A Case Study of Incorporating Universal Design for Learning in Library Instruction
Samantha H. Peter and Kristina A. Clement
Advancing College Students’ Thesis Writing Ability: A Case Study of an Online Library Instruction Course
Derek Stadler and Dianne Gordon Conyers
Making Methods Relevant: Undergraduate Research Methods and the Content Analysis Project
Kevin E. Courtright and David A. Mackey
Using Understanding by Design to Create a University Orientation Class Grounded in Information Literacy
Jennifer Joe and Wade Lee
Full Issue
HSU Press

Editorial Board
- Kyle Morgan
- Morgan Barker
- Cyril Oberlander
- Enoch Hale
Managing Editor
- Kyle Morgan