
Heteronormativity gives the individual in our society a binary optional choice: the first choice being the socially accepted ‘norm’ that follows the heteronormative binary, and the second being the socially disfavored choice of being deemed ‘abnormal’ if one chooses to go against this heteronormative binary. In return, we as a socially constructed society then deem the binary option of the ‘norm’ as the culturally preferred ‘good’ choice, while at the same time deem the other binary option of the ‘abnormal’ as the socially constructed ‘bad’ choice. This occurs both intentionally and unintentionally. The purpose behind my area of focus is to identify that the binary stereotyping of heteronormative gender roles in children’s commercial advertisement is resulting in young children having an essentialized heteronormative embedded ideology. With children’s commercial advertisements exclusively representing the heteronormative non-intersectional gender role narratives, this identity exclusion is leading children to reject any form of intersectional identity that doesn’t fit in the heteronormative binary bracket, as a subordinate socially ostracized form of gender and or sex identity for a child not to follow.


Fall 2020

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Communication Commons



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