The International Journal of Ecopsychology (IJE)
Volume 1, Issue 1 (2020) Narratives on Coronavirus: The Overwhelming Power of the Inifinitesimally Small
The Overwhelming Power of the Inifinitesimally Small
"The Coronavirus pandemic is one more aspect of human-nature relations. To the extent that overpopulation, overcrowding, global mass transportation, the quality of our food supplies, and wild habitat loss seem to be interconnected variables, then, in a real sense, humans are suffering through the very factors that might have given rise to the pandemic—by human means. It would be too simplistic and anthropocentric, and a misdirection, to imbue “nature” with the agentic potential to “punish humankind” or to “save us.” This is side-stepping our responsibility. It would also be quite unfair and very dangerous to blame any one country or its people of nefarious intentions."Articles
Contents IJE-Volume 1 (1), October 2020
Cynthia Brunold-Conesa
Environmental Stewardship Promotes a Sense of Place: Coral Health Monitoring on Maui
Cynthia Brunold-Conesa
Morita Therapy According to Morita: Dwelling in the Tension between Hardy and Fragile Life
Peg LeVine
Medieval Thinking in the 21st Century: Crystal Balls, Black Swans, and Darwin's Finches in the Time of Corona
George Conesa
Meeting the Gray Fox
Pablo Deustua Jochamowitz
~Seals~ (Ode to Henry Abbey) POEM
Georgious Conexsus Sefela