
The International Journal of Ecopsychology (IJE)

Aims & Scope


welcomes manuscript submissions that present theory (reviews and new), research, and application of human-natural processes affiliation dynamics.

A Multiple Selves, Multiple Natures, and Multiple Connections Perspective

If our sense of ‘self’ shapes our ideas of ‘nature’ and of ‘nature connection,’ it stands to reason (to empirical scrutiny) that, for example, a narrowly defined sense of ‘self’ (anthropocentric, idiosyncratic) influences and biases our ideas of ‘nature,’ and in many cases, leads to poorly manifested or understood notions of ‘nature connections.’ In contrast, the approach and perspective of ‘many selves,’ ‘many natures,’ and multiple forms of ‘connection’ is emphasized -- preferred.

"Ecopsychology Revisited" (2019)

Be one among many excellent journals dedicated to publishing articles related to human-natural processes affiliation dynamics while adhering to critical thinking principles.

Elucidate clear and testable constructs of "self," “nature,” “consciousness,” “nature connection,” or “ecopsychology” in ways that any scientist can further and independently test or other professionals successfully apply.

An example of a scholarly investigation of "Nature"

An example of a scholarly investigation of "Self"

Be one of many excellent journals devoted to professional inclusion and diversity while considering work from a wide range of scientific fields, countries, and cultural perspectives without sacrificing empirical and logical rigor or critical thinking modalities.

Be true to an ongoing, critical examination of constructs (words) that many people may have taken for granted when surveying or putting forward ideas related to human-natural processes affiliation dynamics.

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