
The International Journal of Ecopsychology (IJE)

Evidence-Based Ecopsychology

The International Journal of Ecopsychology (IJE)

is an evidence-based peer-reviewed publishing venue for interdisciplinary and field-specific approaches termed “ecopsychological.” IJE publishes theory, research, and application articles on human-natural spaces affiliatory interactions/dynamics—nature estrangement and/or alienation. Both terms, “eco” and “psychology,” are scientifically emphasized and equally regarded. IJE welcomes diverse evidence-based perspectives from academics and researchers around the world. A previous and more modest circulation, "Amaranda," first published in 2007, under the auspices of what was then, the European Ecopsychology Society (EES), became the seed idea for IJE with a new mission: to, in a deconstructive and critical thinking manner, curate and publish original work that aims at revisiting the oftentimes all-too-worn terms "self," "nature," "nature connection" and "society." (In honor of our teacher and mentor Dr. Bill Devall)

Pre-Submission Guidelines:

Please send your manuscript for a first-look evaluation and relevancy check to the Editor-in-Chief: intljournalecopsychology@gmail In the subject line, specify the volume to which you wish to make a submission. In the main text provide a short synopsis explaining how your submission directly addresses IJE's "Aims and Scope".

Non-AI publisher: Manuscripts found to contain AI generated content are rejected. Equally, IJE editors and reviewers monitor our published content against AI reproduction.