Volume 63, Issue 1 (2017)
Full Issue
Ni de aquí ni de allá
Jéssica Melgoza
The Watchers of the Water
Luke T. McCarthy
Soy la hija de inmigrantes
Andrea C. Curtade
Strange Fruit
Donel Arrington
The Unspoken Has Spoken
Christian Gildardo Espinoza
I want nothing more of big things
Jonathan Greenhause
Soneto para los bilinguals
Adyn McCabe
Three Memes in Three Minutes
Barbara Ruth
To Be Read At My Wake
Jeffrey H. MacLachlan
The Bloom of Magnolia Tree / La Flor de Magnolia
Katia G. Karadjova
Arroz y Enchiladas Rojas
Cynthia Serrano
Writing Lesson Plans
Joe Shermis
A Glorious Storm
Bryan E. Kashon
In the Garden
Anna Badger
Creative Nonfiction
Paper Girls
Sydney Hubbel
Weakness Is What's In Between Your Legs
Lorelei O. Farrell
Grave of the Forest
Anthony J. McGough
Queen for a Day
Kimberly Carlson
Visual Art
Woven Woman
Rebecca J. Baldwin
Metamorphosis Diptych
Barbara Becerra
Beauty Over Life
Erin Urbanus
Pearl Necklace
Daisy N. Ramirez
Flora & Fauna
Elisa N. Griego
Greedy Modern Organization (G.M.O) Paradise
Haley M. Davis Miss.
Critical Analysis
Lacanian Illuminations
Brooke E. Minner
Toyon Staff
- Managing Editor
- Angela Compton
- Assistant Managing Editor
- Sydney Hubbel
- Internal Communications Manager
- Kelley Ellion
- Archive Editor
- AJ McGough
- Social Media Manager
- Ciera Townsley-McCormick
- Writers’ and Artists’ Communities Liaison
- Amanda Walker
- Print and Radio Media Liaison
- Jackie Lowe
- Translation Editor
- Jan Calderon
- Acquisitions Editor & Copyeditors
- Jocelyn Aguilar & Bri Lucero
- Multilingual Editor
- Grant Rowley
- Poetry Editors
- Ángela Ibarra & Anastasia Rivera
- Creative NonFiction Editors
- Grace Hart & Lydia Leonard-Rhodes
- Fiction Editors
- Marina Fittinghoff & Maddy Kopsick
- Environmental Justice Editors
- Shiloh Green & Miranda Olberg
- Literary Criticism Editors
- Kelley Ellion & Sydney Hubbel
- Spoken Word and Audio Editor
- Brooke Minner
- Visual Art Editors
- Jared Amerman, Jesi Hamilton, & Gabby Szmidt
- Production Editor, Typesetter, & Proofreader
- Claudia Jimenez
- Events Coordinator
- Jessica Stiles
- Faculty Advisor
- Dr. Janelle Adsit