Toyon: Multilingual Literary Magazine | Vol 40 | Iss 1

Volume 40, Issue 1 (1994)



Arcata Spring
Ray Larson


Skipping Stones
Christopher Cooper


Euflora Paints
Anne Seaquist


Ronda Stritzel


The Drowning
Michael Boren


Ronda Stritzel


Karen Wood



The White Dog
Penny Tarpey


The Vegetable's Funeral
Kelly Eugene Wahl

Toyon Staff

Elissa Fisher
Celia Homesley
Associate/Copy Editor
Ann King Ingraham
Reading Staff
Michael Barba
Kim Cabrera
Christopher Cooper
Nancy Karraker
Bill McLellan
Jennifer Moline
Penny Tarpey
Michael Boren
Colleen Cadwallader
Paul Grafton
Brad Kerstetter
Paul Miller
Mary Carol Skordy
Raymond Carver Short Story Contest Staff
Kim Halliday, Laurie Mikulasek (Coordinators)
Reading Staff
Elizabeth Bearden, Genevieve Berquist, Lorraine Breer, Amandy Browning, Kim Cabrera, Pamela Chateauneuf, Kampol Crews, Lisa Cunningham, Stacey Doering, Brandy Flores, Brian Forsyth, Jennifer Forsyth, Josh Goldfaden, Jennifer Gow, Nicole Hales, Holly Hamilton, Lisa Hernandez, Katherine Kirkham, Emily Lahr, Tara Lawrence, Kristi Leal, Michelle Mercer, Abraham Meyer, Marla Netzer, Ana O, Kimberly Parsons, Alisa Pelanconi, Cari Pogan, Tracy Rembert, Ivan Rosenburg, Carrie Russell, Esther Scannell, David Stier, John Tarvin IV, Kimberly White, Deidre Wibberley, Richard Williams, Wendy Zimmer
Faculty Advisor
Vince Gotera