Volume 28, Issue 1 (1982)
Venice by Night
Nanette Kondrit
Celebration in Arcata
Ann Gillidette
Ann Gillidette
Walking in Moonlight Along the Hardscrabble Creek
Kirsten Rohrbach
Highway 299
Claudia Keelan
Photograph of My Father and Grandmother on Vacation
Claudia Keelan
Why I Like Girls
Joanne Sullivan
In the Tall Trees Grove
Joanne Sullivan
Clay Psalm
Brian Bollman
Glass of Water
Laura Mullen
Sestina In Which My Grandmother Is Going Deaf
Laura Mullen
Laurie Nelson-Rose
One Reason
Laurie Nelson-Rose
Salt Offering
Kate Jensen
I and They
Leslie Skopp
The 62-MPH Rainbow
Neil Tarpey
Smoke Screen for Bill
Tom Gage
Canvas Red Feathers (to Mark Rothko)
Daniel Baird
Demeter Laments the Loss of Persephone
Valarie Napawanetz
Valarie Napawanetz
Barren Saddles
Denise Clare-Frances
Edward Hopper's Music
John Ross
Gone to the Dogs
Michelle Fourre
Northcoast Fingers Northcoast Hands
Bruce Kemp
Bruce Kemp
Maybe Next Time
Steve Miller
Other People Paint Your Eyes
George Taylor
How to Get to My Parents' House
Bruce Fuller
Redwood Orchid
Michiel Laws
George Sparling
Something Straight and Smooth
Ron Kuka
This House of Mine
Pat Millius
Peanut Butter
John Allen
Michael Clasby

Toyon Staff
- Editor
- Rod Sanborn
- Assistant Editor
- David Holper
- Managing Editor
- Anne Uetz
- Editorial Assistants
- Ann Gillidette
- Claudia A. Keelan
- Mark Muckleroy
- George Taylor
- Mike Clasby
- Ron Kuka
- Publicity
- Jay Schock
- Production Adviser
- Jorie Graham
- Toyon Adviser
- James Galvin
- Cover Design
- Dar Spain
- HSU Media Graphics
- Cover Lettering
- Jay Brown
- HSU Media Graphics Typesetting
- HSU Word Processing
- Printing
- BUG Press, Arcata