
CSU Campus or Other Affiliation

California State University Bakersfield


Climate change is posing significant challenges to California’s energy sector. Extreme weather events (heat and cold) may pressure existing infrastructure. Many studies have indicated that extreme climate events would impact the energy system by affecting peak electricity demand. However, very few studies have been conducted to understand how disadvantaged communities (DACs) will be impacted. Because of unequal access to energy infrastructure (electricity generation and battery storage), DACs are more vulnerable to power outages due to the rising number of significant weather events caused by climate change. To address the issue of how DACs are disproportionately affected by climate change-related energy issues, we used DACs, infrastructure, and climate data. We identified the most vulnerable communities associated with climate change-related energy issues in areas around California State University Dominguez Hills (CSUDH). This study’s findings will support building the resilience of energy infrastructure to climate change and minimize the energy burden on DACs.



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