Jacoby Creek is a 16.6 mi2 watershed that discharges into Humboldt Bay in Humboldt County, California. Legacy use of this watershed consisted of unmanaged logging and diking to create pastureland for agriculture until the 1970’s. Currently, 187 acres of the Jacoby Creek watershed is owned by the Jacoby Creek Land Trust (JCLT). JCLT focuses on creating a space for recreation and conservation within the Jacoby Creek watershed.
The parcel (parcel 502-052-022) was assessed to identify social trails, invasive species, tree density, and upland understory vegetation to provide restoration recommendations. Non-native invasive species, such as Hedera helix (English ivy) and Rubus armeniacus (Himalayan Blackberry), without proper management have the potential to grow and outcompete native flora. A system of social trails were found, most of which lead to less accessible routes. It is recommended that JCLT discourage the use of social trails by covering trail entrances and with online notices and other forms of outreach. A tree density assessment was conducted on the previously logged, second growth forest, showing it is of high density. A variable density thinning treatment is recommended to allow for healthier trees similar to old growth redwood forest conditions.
Spring 2020
Environmental Science & Management
Ecological Restoration
Citation Style
Jacoby Creek Land Trust Site inventory and Analysis of Parcel 502-052-022