
Historically women in America have made colossal advances that have proven they are just as capable as men. Women had fought and continued to challenge the system since 1919 with the 19th Amendment giving them a right to vote. However, even with this crucial progression, womens’ oppression can be found all around us only in much more subtle ways such as “ the pink tax”. As of 2020 there are currently no federal laws to outlaw companies from charging different prices depending on which gender they are meant to be marketed to. This rhetorical analysis will first address the concept of gendered products, how the tax benefits from these products, and why gendering of products reinforce gender discrimination and stereotypes. A brief explanation as to why the tax is nicknamed “the tampon tax” is included. Next the economic effects of the tax especially in terms of over the course of an average lifetime. Then, analyzing how this tax is an example of systemic sexism and ending with where the United States is at in the process of repealing the tax.


Fall 2020

Included in

Communication Commons



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