
Publication Date
Spring 2020
In the aging population, falls are a leading public health concern. Evidence-based community fall prevention programs, such as A Matter of Balance Volunteer Lay Leader Model (AMOB/VLL), have demonstrated a reduction in fall risk factors. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of AMOB on fall risk factors and physical activity levels among rural community dwelling Veterans and non-Veterans. Method: Community veterans and non-veterans will be randomly assigned to an 8-week, 2-hour session of AMOB. All participants will complete an initial demographic questionnaire, as well as pre-post intervention fall risk assessments (Timed Up and Go Test [TUG], a 30-second chair stand, functional reach test, four-meter walk test, the Modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction in Balance [M-CTSIB], Falls Efficacy Scale International [FES-1], Activities Specific Balance Confidence-6 [ABC-6], one Likert question regarding their level of fear of falling and a question asking if they have fallen in the last two months), and the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE) for physical function. Attendance will also be taken for the intervention groups