ideaFest is an annual event that showcases the collaborative research and creative projects of faculty and students from across campus. To submit a research poster or video to the 2022 ideaFest event, please click here.
Click here for more information about submitting a research article to the peer-reviewed ideaFest Journal.
Submissions from 2022
ASR Membrane Protein and ApoA1 Detection in Nanodisc via Western Blot Analysis, Leila Amrani; Elsa Balfe; Jeffrey Shineller, PhD; and Jenny A. Cappuccio, PhD
An Intergroup Threat Theory Approach to Support for Political Movements, Symbols, and Candidates, Benjamin Anjewierden, Sophie Timin, Corinne Harris, Joseph Pang, and Christopher Aberson
Effects of Human Activity on Urban Birds, Aracely Arreguin
Black bears in suburban areas consume more anthropogenic foods, Alexander Arroyo
The Impact of Mandated Physical Fitness Testing on Mental Health, Kourtney Avila
The Effect of Salinity on the Concentration of Various Trace Metals in The Little River Estuary, Shelby C. Bishop and Claire Till
Benthic Macroinvertebrates as Bioindicators of water quality on the Mad River, Benjamin Bouchard
The Art of Script: Humanity's Creative Abilities to Give Sound and Thought a Body, Starsong Brittain
Investigation into Cyanide Levels at the Arcata Wastewater Treatment Facility, Danny Brown, Jack McLaughlin, and Matthew Hurst
Punk Influnce, Zoe Bryant
Evaluating the Effects of Grazed and Ungrazed Habitat on Raptor Abundance, Evan Burnett
The Benefits of Smiling & Laughing, Krysteanna Cabanas
Nanodisc assisted terbinafine transport into Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Joshua Chapman, Parker Chapman, and Vini Buttino
Under The Sign Of The Dollar - Demythologizing The Dollar, Joshua Chavanne
Resources vs Co2 on Humboldt Bees’, Alli Chevalier
A Journey Through a Mind, Alexandra Chown
Comparing Roadkill Abundance Between Urban and Rural Transects, Emily Cook
Plant-Based Eating, A Novel Approach For Arresting Erythrocyte Dysfunction, Redox Dysregulation, and Vascular Injury Influenced by Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Walter Craig, Lukas Coppen, and Brian K. Blackburn
Plastics in the Gut's of Leach's Storm Petrels in Humboldt County, California, Grace Cunningham
Kinetic Evaluation of Putative Cellulase Enzymes for Cellulosic Biofuel, Aaron Darlington; Jasmine Collins; Jeffrey B. Schineller, PhD; and Jenny A. Cappuccio, PhD
Wellness Center at Eureka City Schools (ECS), Emma Davis
Raccoon Abundance in Regards to Trash Cans Around Cal Poly Humboldt, Jeremy Dodds
Using an unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) to survey Black Brant use of Sand Island in Arcata Bay, Tristen Draper
CSF1R Inhibition Restores Cognition Following Immunotherapy, Selena Dutton
Understanding NAGPRA, Chalene Duty, Dawn Nystrom, and Virginia Vance
Cursing Practices: Transitions, and Rituals, Charlene Duty
Bringing Art to the Community, Brad Ellis and Mark McKenna
2,4-D Presence in Animal Fur, Ghennya E Shain, Keith Druen, and Alondra Salazar
How Moon Illumination, Cloud Cover, and Temperature Influence Capture Rates for Small Mammals, Shalom Fletcher
Functional impact of alternative splicing on the transcriptomic landscape and fate of multipotent skeletal stem cells and osteosarcoma, M. Gohazrua and K. Butler
Supporting Military Women and Families Through Policy, Cassidy Gordon
American Sign Language Coloring Book, Megan Hardman
Growing Up On This Side Of The Mountain, Jacob D. Imlay
Habitat Selection of Mule Deer in Northern California Coastal Ecosystem, Arthur Ingrham
Kenosha Mural Project, Jessica Janecek and Keith Staats
Drop the Ramp, Michele Janelli
Deciphering the Crosstalk within Human Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque, Annie Jensen
The Impact of COVID on Academic Stress and Achievement Goal Orientations in College Students, Edgar D. Jimenez-Madora
Redtail Surfperch Population Dynamics in Humboldt County, Jonathan Kang
Equity Gaps in Basic Needs Security for CSU Students during COVID-19: Preparing for future pandemics and climate crises, Delaney Kelly, Jennifer Maguire, and Marissa O'Niell
Characterizing the genetic diversity of immune genes in a non-native population of American Bullfrogs in Humboldt County, California, Angel Klawiter
Raccoon use of Storm Drains on Cal Poly Humboldt’s Campus, Shannon Lamb
American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos ) abundance in relation to different human-altered environments and levels of disturbance, Barbara Larrondo-Soto
Availability of Perch Structures Correlates with the Abundance and Richness of Raptors in Humboldt County, Jessica Lewis
Developing a three-dimensional culture system to improve the yield of placental mesenchymal stem cell derived extracellular vesicles, Juan-Maria Lopez
The Influence of Hiking Trails on Salamanders, Emily MacDonald
Plethodontid Salamander Proximity to Surface Water Relative to Ocean Distance, Eagan Maguire
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Microplastics within Humboldt Bay, Isabelle Marcus, Bennett Hosselkus, and Connor McNeil
Time Series Analysis of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler in Humboldt Bay, Isabelle Marcus, Emma Modrick, and Bennett Hosselkus
Determining Iron Concentrations in Seawater using Flow Injection Analysis, Laura Martin and Laurel Tappert
Sustainable Learning For Student Success, Jesse Mendez, Kyle Morgan, and Kimberly Stelter
Bee abundance and composition in native vs non-native urban gardens, Adrienne Menduno-Ortbals
Investigating Shotgun shell and wad waste around Humboldt Bay, Daniel Montoya, Noah Jenkins, Madison Richardson, Sarah Moreau, and Jose R. Marin Jarrin
Reducing polyamine levels favors osteogenic differentiation of MSCs, David Morales
Advancing Knowledge on Night Smelt/Spirinchus Starksi Populations in Humboldt & Del Norte Counties, Sarah P. Moreau, Z. Zenobia, and Jose Marin Jarrin
Advancing Knowledge on Night smelt/Spirinchus starksi populations in Humboldt & Del Norte counties, Sarah Moreau, Z. Zenobia, and Jose R. Marin Jarrin
DOC Sampling from Little River and Mad River, Mark A. Moreno, David Zeitz, and Claire Till
Modeling Pregnant Elk Presence in Alberta, Canada, Nariman Moussavizadeh
Electroporation of E. coli and Agar Gel Electrophoresis of FB5⍺, Tyler Nagle, Noah Glick, and Nick Zuniga
Black Phoebes Sing More Often in Noisier Anthropogenic Environments, Nancy Nguyen
Comparing Community Structure of Vascular Plant Species on Nurse Logs and Ground Plots in the Arcata Community Forest, Isabella Norton
Humboldt In The Time Of COVID Digital Archive, Dawn Nystrom
Meds to Beds, Katie Ohlsen
COVID-19 anthropause significantly altered community science participation, Jane Olshefsky
Hummingbird Flower Use at the Humboldt Botanical Garden, Eliana Palomares
Perceiving immigrants as American and its Relationship to Attitudes Toward Immigrants, Joseph Pang, Sophie Timin, and Christopher Aberson
Effectiveness of Trailhead Signs, Jed Parker
Effects of Supplemental Feeding on Migratory and Resident Hummingbirds, Hunter C. Perez
Raccoon (Procyon lotor) Foraging in Relation to Storm Drains, Christian Placet
Determining Habitat Preferences of Great Egrets through Foraging Rates, Marian Porter
Variation in Mallard Foraging Strategy in Relation to Group Size, Kyle Rader
Great Egret (Ardea alba) Abundance Between the Brackish Pond and Restored Tidal Habitat During High Tide and Low Tide, Giselle Rangel
Human Disturbance Influences the Long-billed Curlew’s Foraging Behavior (Numenius americanus), Isaac Rath
Characters Influencing Plethodontid Salamander Microhabitat Selection, Riley Rickman
Salinity influence in feeding of dabbling and diving ducks, Cesar Rocha
Novel Tests of Gravity Below Fifty Microns, Claire Rogers, Jesse Mendez, Tanner Hooven, Kevin Chung, Alyssa M. Johnson, and Alexandra Papesh
Micro Affirmative Text, Dr. Marisol Ruiz, Anayeli Auza, Jonni Segura, Elizabeth Rubio, Mia Page, Briana Ruiz, Jasmine Chavez, Abran Neri, Kate Ramirez, Amelya Rose Madrigal, Chelsea Rios Gomez, and Tania Estrada Rodriguez
Mapping Species Ranges in the California Floristic Province, Alex Rumbel, Cameron Jones, Oscar Vargas, Ava Guillen, Brittany Long, George Sabbagh, Luis Angel Gonzalez, Stephanie Sandoval, Tristan Roach, Victor Garcia Balderas, and Zoe Draheim
A Computational Study of the Acidity of Glufosinate Derivatives, Daniel Sabo
Trail Map of The Humboldt Botanical Gardens, Cristina Sarabia and Yuichi Ambiru
Habitat Selection of Black Bears Based on Heavy to Light Vegetation, Logan Scherf
Sacred Drugs, Sam Schulman
The Importance of Stretching Everyday, Ahmad Shah
Minority Stress and Psychological Adjustments Moderated by Stress Appraisals, Bernardo Sosa-Rosales, April Perez, Edgar Jimenez-Madora, Emilia Bumgardner, and Maria I. Iturbide
Influence of Human disturbance on the ranging patterns of wildlife on college campuses, Mary Standish Lehman
Greenwood Cemetery, Randall Starba and Ashely Miller
Pacific Banana Slug Habitat Selection using occupied and paired-random microhabitat analysis in the Arcata Community Forest, Rainey Strippelhoff
Water Temp. & Clarity Effects on Diving Duck Duration Under Water, Kayli Tibbs
Bitches Been Mad, Denise Tomkinson
Old Town Eureka: A Historic Tour and Photo Collection, Christopher Tuck and Benjamin Cook
Nano Adventures: The Role of Adventure in the Lives of Humboldt Students & Beyond, Haley Uriz
The Impact of a Teacher Developed Physical Fitness Program on the Self-Perception and Basketball Skills of Two High School Students, Melaina Valdez
Do Dabbling Ducks Forage More in the Morning or at Night?, Dylan Van Kampen
Dunsmuir, Jacob Varelas
Students’ Experiences with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Research Methods Courses, Brandilynn Villarreal, Maria I. Iturbide, Edgar Jimenez-Madora, Shelley Magallanes, Luis Lara, and Leti Armenta Villa
College Instructors’ Perceived Responsibilities: A Descriptive Study, Brandilynn Villarreal and Hayley Weatherill
Identification of a Type 1 Regulatory T Cell Master Regulator, Colin Waichler
The Relationship between Hardiness, Stress, and Mental Health in College Students with Disabilities during COVID-19, Hayley Weatherill, Kevin Cherry, Maddy Jo Avila, Lila Taylor, and Brandilynn Villarreal