Publication Date



Cal Poly Humboldt Environmental Science and Management: ESM 475 Planning and Policy Capstone Practicum.

The goal of this project is to provide Humboldt Baykeeper with a report of potential designs, sites, benefits, and stakeholder opinions related to developing a native Olympia oyster and clam garden restoration pilot project on Wigi. This suitability analysis will examine several different locations across the bay and compare the feasibility of (1) an Olympia oyster restoration, (2) an Olympia oyster living shoreline restoration for sea-level rise, and (3) a clam garden restoration. Based on our research, we will provide an analysis of four sites in North Humboldt Bay for various bivalve restoration strategies. The maps in this report display potential sites based on ecological and regulatory parameters for successful bivalve restoration. This potential pilot bivalve restoration project will provide multiple benefits to communities around Wigi, positively affecting bay ecology, sea-level rise mitigation, and Indigenous cultural practices. It also has the possibility of serving as a collaborative educational site for students across Humboldt County.
