"Fostering Socio-Ecological Resilience to Wildfire" by Jeffrey M. Kane, Erin Kelly et al.

Humboldt Journal of Social Relations


The wildfire-related challenges of Northern California and many other regions in the western United States are daunting in scope and magnitude. Ecologically and culturally salient solutions that limit the negative impacts of wildfire and promote resilience of human and ecological systems will require newer approaches. Through Cal Poly Humboldt and the Fire Resilience Institute, there is greater emphasis on the interconnection of knowledge systems across education, training, research, and management. Here we highlight several on-going efforts that seek to enhance the fire resilience workforce, promote socio-ecological resilience through interdisciplinary projects, and inform management through monitoring and research projects that intentionally incorporate multiple knowledge systems. Shifting to a more inclusive process has many potential benefits but will also pose challenges and require modification of approaches. Here we emphasize some on-going efforts at Cal Poly Humboldt to intentionally bridge knowledge systems to make advances on wildfire-related challenges. Socio-ecological resilience and coexistence with fire can be fostered but the long-term effectiveness will greatly benefit from approaches that are inclusive, equitable, and interconnected across the many stakeholders affected and disciplines involved.
