Graduation Date

Spring 2022

Document Type



Master of Arts degree with a major in Sociology

Committee Chair Name

Dr. Michihiro Clark Sugata

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Dr. James Ordner

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Resource, Equity, Social, Services, Myth, Fact, Social, Akrasia

Subject Categories



Rural areas of Northern California have gone without health and social services for decades. The shortcomings of local services have given rise to the idea that there are no services in these rural and isolated communities. Conditions and beliefs have brought up two important questions. The first question is how can access and knowledge of available services be improved in rural areas? The second question is, through what mechanisms do communities develop their facts?

To address the previous questions, I worked with the primary health and social service provider in Humboldt County, CA. We developed a database of local services that anyone from computers and smart devices could access.

While creating the database, we discovered that while there are services in this area, there exists a gap in organizational awareness. The majority of community-based organizations do not communicate with one another, and similarly, the residents of rural communities go unaware of available services.

Issues of awareness lead me to study social learning utilizing several fundamental concepts; anthology, semantic memory, willful ignorance, akrasia Phenomenology, Myth, Pragmatism, and Semiotics.

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