Graduation Date

Spring 2021

Document Type



Master of Arts degree with a major in English, emphasis in Applied English Studies

Committee Chair Name

Dr. Lisa Tremain

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Dr. Janelle Adsit

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Mindfulness, McMindfulness, Meditation, Contemplative pedagogy, Embodiment, Rhetorical embodiment, Inner voice, Intrapersonal rhetoric

Subject Categories



Contemplative pedagogy involves teaching methods designed to cultivate deepened awareness, concentration, and insight. Contemplative practices work to undo the Cartesian mind–body dualism that says that mental phenomena are non-physical, or that the mind and body are distinct and separable. This project focuses on an understanding that our internal world includes communication with one’s self, acts of imagination and visualization, and recall and memory. These internal experiences foster many things, such as compassion and kindness, as well as resilience and sustainability through connection.

“McMindfulness” is a term that refers to when mindfulness is used for self-serving and ego-enhancing purposes. Symptoms of McMindfulness show up when mindfulness practices are divorced from their historical and cultural roots and used specifically as tools to improve writing ability and mine for writing content. We also see this in the overuse of Buddhist frameworks in contemplative writing theory. However, Buddhism is not the only tradition that practices mindfulness. There are over 500 million Indigenous and Tribal Peoples all over the globe who have a long history of engaging in contemplative practices in daily and ceremonial life.

This project focuses on the ways that mindfulness practices increase our vibration, tune us into higher frequencies, integrate spiritual downloads, open the pathways to receive and perceive insights from our spirit guides, and perceive higher dimensions of reality. These are not just tools for listening to the inner voice - they are ways of knowing that we can bring into all areas of our lives, including our writing.


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