Graduation Date

Spring 2021

Document Type



Master of Science degree with a major in Kinesiology, option Exercise Science

Committee Chair Name

Whitney Ogle

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Young Sub Kwon

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Third Committee Member Name

Jill Anderson

Third Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Grit mindset, Juggling motor learning, DMI skills practice

Subject Categories



Objective Research has shown grit and mindset can be improved, but no known research has investigated the effect of learning a new skill on grit and growth mindset. While grit and mindset seem to predict success in education and success, it is also not clear if initial grit or mindset have an effect on motor skill acquisition. The purposes of this research are to investigate if grit and growth mindset are predictors of learning a new skill and if learning a new skill leads to improvement in grit and growth mindset. Methods 14 students enrolled in a motor learning course participated in a six-week intervention where they practiced juggling during class via Zoom. Concepts discussed in class as part of the course were incorporated into practice sessions by the teaching associate/researcher. Grit and growth mindset were measured using the short grit (Grit-S) scale and Dweck Mindset Instrument (DMI) respectively and compared in individuals before and after four weeks practicing juggling. The highest number of successful catches by each subject was recorded after each week of practice. The correlation of improvement in successful ball catches and initial grit and growth mindset were analyzed. A pre/post analysis was done using a dependent T-test and correlation between number of juggling catches and initial grit and growth mindset were analyzed. All data was collected virtually over Zoom and Google Sheets. Results: A negative, moderate relationship was found between initial grit and percent improvement to week 4 (R = -.517; p=.029) and no significant relationship between mindset and percent improvement to week 4 was found (R = .172, p = .279). There was no difference in mean between grit pre and post (p = .067) or mindset pre and post (p = .581). Discussion: This intervention may have not found a significant correlation between grit and growth mindset and improvement because of the absence of mandatory practice and explicit education. While previous research suggests that grit and growth mindset can be improved through intervention, this study suggests that an effective intervention may need to incorporate specific aspects in order to obtain results. This may include things such as mandatory practice and explicit education on mindset and grit. Conclusion: Future research should continue to explore factors that are effective in improving grit and growth mindset, and specifically how these concepts relate to motor learning.

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