Graduation Date

Summer 2020

Document Type



Master of Arts degree with a major in English, emphasis in Applied English Studies

Committee Chair Name

Lisa Tremain

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Natalie Giannini

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


FYC, Composition studies, Reading, Reading pedagogy, Writing studies, Post-secondary education, Reading apprenticeship, Reading studies

Subject Categories



Reading and writing are connected activities. Research has shown that you cannot truly be successful in one without the other. In post-secondary writing intensive courses, the teaching of reading in regards to advanced academic texts is often forgotten or ignored due to pre-existing conceptions of reading practices. In this project, I have conducted a research study across three (3) FYC courses at Humboldt State University to understand how the teaching of reading is implemented within its FYC program. I specifically study how the reading pedagogy known as the Reading Apprenticeship (RA) framework is used by instructors within their classrooms and how students are using RA to gain the reading skills needed to be successful in future courses. This study occurred over the course of the Fall 2019 semester. I used a triangulated data set of early and late semester student surveys, early and late semester instructor interviews, and classroom observations to gather multiple perceptions of this teaching pedagogy and to help complete my study. The findings from this research can be used as a point of entry to begin a conversation about the importance of teaching reading within writing intensive classrooms.

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