Graduation Date

Summer 2020

Document Type



Master of Arts degree with a major in Education

Committee Chair Name

Dr. John Y. Lee

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Dr. Kenny W. Richards

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Parent Interview

Subject Categories



This Teacher Survey study follows-up my school district’s Parent Interview conducted by teachers on children’s interests, parents’ hopes and fears for their children, how the school can communicate with parents, and areas the school can improve. The intent of the district’s Parent Interview was to improve teacher awareness of student and family needs, influence the teachers to scaffold their curriculum to support student needs and become more motivated to be involved with long-term initiatives that could improve student and family support within the district. However, the Parent Interview did not ask teachers about their views of what, if any, Parent Interview information they found helpful and what changes in their teaching and professional practices the Parent Interview prompted. To further examine these questions, a survey was distributed to all teachers in the small rural district, asking about their perceptions and experiences with the Parent Interview and how/if it influenced their teaching practices. The results from this study showed the teachers perceived an increase in positive relationships with families, allowing for a better understanding of the students’ needs. Communication with families increased while teachers learned from the parents about the social-emotional needs of students and gained insight into their students’ family dynamics. Teachers also stated their desires to be involved in long-term, district led initiatives to support the growth of their students and their families.

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