Graduation Date

Spring 2020

Document Type



Master of Arts degree with a major in Psychology, option Academic Research

Committee Chair Name

Dr. Christopher Aberson

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Dr. Amber Gaffney

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Third Committee Member Name

Ethan Gahtan


Self-reported GPA, GPA, Community college, Academic self-confidence, Imposter phenomenon

Subject Categories



Self-reported GPA is often used in academic achievement research when gathering GPA as a variable, though it is not always completely accurate. Previous studies have shown that actual GPA affects self-report as those with higher GPAs tend to be more accurate. Those with lower GPAs tend to inflate their self-reported GPA. Race has also been identified as a variable that affects self-reported GPA as White students tend to be more accurate than non-White students. Gender has had mixed outcomes with accuracy of self-reported GPA.

Previous research showing self-reported GPA to be a valid measure of GPA has used samples from higher achieving four-year colleges with predominantly White students. This study tested the accuracy of self-reported GPA in a more diverse, lower achieving sample from a community college.

This study has demonstrated that a community college sample of students can produce less accurate self-reported GPAs. While race and gender have shown to have differences in previous studies, these variables did not differ in accuracy of self-reported GPA in this study. The lower accuracy of self-reported GPA in this study is consistent with previous findings of the effects of having a lower GPA.

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