Graduation Date

Spring 2020

Document Type



Master of Arts degree with a major in Education

Committee Chair Name

Marisol Ruiz

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Cesar Abarca

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Undocumented students, DACA, AB 540, AB 130, AB 131, DREAMER, DACAmented

Subject Categories



Undocumented students face many obstacles while seeking a higher education degree. As undocumented students apply and are accepted to colleges and universities, they should have the means and resources to complete their higher education degree like all students. An array of strategies can be considered and implemented to have educators and school administrators in higher education be better equipped to serve all students, but specifically undocumented students.

Educators and administrators could continue their acquisition of knowledge base and comfortability about the different implications that surround undocumented students. Therefore, this thesis seeks to examine the efficacy of self-reports on a pre- and post-surveys before and after attending the Undocumented Student Ally Trainings (USAT). The training was delivered to students, staff, faculty, administrators and/or community members in the Spring and Fall semesters of 2018, and these provide a measurement of self-perception based on participants’ information or knowledge on basic immigration concepts and policies. The training focuses on terminology, state and federal legislation that directly affect undocumented students who are in or considering higher education, and identifies supports and resources to better serve these students.

This study hopes to contribute to the research about vulnerable populations, undocumented students, by adding a rural perspective by answering the following research questions:

  1. Before the USAT training, what is the self-disclosed perception that participants have about their knowledge of undocumented students?
  2. After the USAT training, what is the subjective perception among participants about their change in knowledge?

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