Graduation Date

Spring 2018

Document Type



Master of Arts degree with a major in Education

Committee Chair Name

Eric Van Duzer

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Mary Dingle

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Third Committee Member Name


Fourth Committee Member Name


Fifth Committee Member Name


Sixth Committee Member Name



Check-in/Check-out, PBIS

Subject Categories



Struggling students benefit significantly from access to a mentor, who can encourage them and positively reinforce desirable social behavior while helping them learn skills to be successful in society. In some American schools, the Positive Behavior Systems of Intervention and Support (PBIS) is used to encourage youth to learn these skills. The system is broken up into three tiers: Tier I, Tier II and Tier III. Eighty percent of students fall into Tier I and can meet desired school expectations without additional supports. Fifteen percent of students at PBIS schools fit into the Tier II category and exhibit low-level, chronic behaviors that are disruptive. To help reduce these behaviors, students are referred to a Check-in/Check-Out (CICO) program. They are paired with a mentor, who ideally, meets with them daily to encourage them to meet the day’s behavior goals and then rewards them for meeting the goals. This study analyzes the impact of a Check-in/Check-out mentoring program at a rural, K-8 school in Humboldt County. Staff interviews conducted with staff members at the school site provided insights into the effectiveness of the CICO program. Staff members indicated that the CICO program did help alleviate undesirable behavior and foster a greater sense of connection to the school community for CICO students.

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