
Molly Milford

Creator(s) bio

Submitted for RS 301's Oral History Project, student Molly Milford interviews James Gibbs on his religious experiences throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.





Document Type

Oral History Student Projects

Creation Date



In this text, student Molly Milford interviews James Gibbs, a community member whose religious background stems from having a Southern Baptist parent as well as an Atheist parent. James has had a unique religious journey throughout the pandemic, where before he had been caught between christian and atheistic beliefs, nowadays he takes from many different religions in order to be spiritual. The forced isolation of the pandemic changed how James interacted with spirituality, and how that extended to his world and relationships. Topics covered include his experience one time attending a church in Arizona that did not follow CDC guidelines, how his practice has changed, and his hopefulness for the future.


Dr. Sara Hart's RS 301: Religion in America class submitted oral history projects for the Spring 2021 semester. The Project covers community members' religious experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic, how spiritual practices have adapted to social distancing, and how these requirements will evolve in the future.
