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Humboldt Holding Up

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"A lot of exciting changes are coming to Humboldt — HSU’s transformation into Cal Poly Humboldt, Nordic Aquafarms taking over the old Samoa pulp mill site, that big fiber optic internet cable landing on our coast — and all of these changes are expected to bring more jobs and more people to our area. Plus, as you’ve probably heard, rising summer temperatures and intensifying wildfires around the state are making the North Coast an increasingly attractive location for climate refugees.

Of course, all of these new people will need places to live. So, how will Humboldt accommodate the growth we’re expected to see over the next several years?

On this week’s episode of Humboldt Holding Up, the Outpost‘s make it work podcast, Brian Heaton — a senior housing policy specialist for the California Department of Housing & Community Development, and previous senior planner for the City of Eureka — helps us tackle this oft-discussed question and discusses his passion for housing policy.

If you’re very interested in the housing topic (and why wouldn’t you be) you may also want to jump over to the first edition of Heaton’s new column on the Outpost, Land Use and You!"


