Graduation Date

Fall 2021

Document Type



Master of Arts degree with a major in Psychology, option Academic Research

Committee Chair Name

Ethan Gahtan

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Amber Gaffney

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Third Committee Member Name

Christopher Aberson

Third Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Neuroscience, Zebrafish, Gcamp, Bpa cyp19, Estrogen, Confocal, Hormones, Neurodevelopment

Subject Categories



The brain is highly dependent on the endocrine system for proper neurodevelopment, as it plays a key role in many biological processes. Bisphenol A is a chemical found in plastics that has the potential to mimic the effects of Estrogen in the body, at least weakly. People interact with plastic that contains BPA regularly, and people are at risk for exposure even before being born. The abundance of BPA, along with other exogenous estrogens, makes examining the relationship between early exposure and changes in brain activity imperative. The current study aims to establish a relationship between disrupted estrogen function and brain activity. Because estrogen receptors are abundantly found in several hypothalamic nuclei, the goal is to specifically examine whether BPA exposure leads to hyperactivity in the hypothalamus, behavioral hyperactivity, and to investigate the impacts on aromatase activity.

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