
Susie Van Kirk

Publication Date

Fall 10-1976


Attached is a cursory historical review of the Berry Summit area with particular attention given to trails and roads.

There are many references to the native people of this area. The Gregg-Wood party had been instructed by Indians near Weaverville to follow' the Indian trail west eight days to a "large and beautiful bay; early newspaper articles reported many Indian-white difficulties throughout the Redwood Creek drainages; there was an Indian rancheria on Redwood Creek near Berry's in 1890; and Kroeber gives us insight into the life of these people-permanent villages near the creek with temporary summer camps on the prairies near adequate water supplies.

Library of Congress Subject Access Terms

Whilkut Indians, Gregg -- Josiah -- 1806-1850, Wood L. K. (Lewis Keysor), 1819-1874

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History Commons


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