Home > Journals > HJSR > No. 42 (2020)
Humboldt Journal of Social Relations
Volume 1, Number 42 (2020) Issue 42 (2020) California Indian Genocide and Healing
Front Matter
We Are a Part of the Land and the Land Is Us: Settler Colonialism, Genocide & Healing in California
Kaitlin Reed Ph.D.
Continued Disembodiment: NAGPRA, CAL NAGPRA, and Recognition
Brittani R. Orona and Vanessa D. Esquivido
Ishi and the California Indian Genocide as Developmental Mass Violence
Robert K. Hitchcock and Charles A. Flowerday
Defining Genocide in Northwestern California: The Devastation of Humboldt and Del Norte County’s Indigenous Peoples
Gavin W. Rowley
“Light is the normal course of events, darkness is only a temporary interruption”: Lessons from Lucy Thompson
Elizabeth McClure
Exploitation, Fear and Restitution: The Story of Tuluwat Today
Joshua K. Overington
Book Reviews
Ka’m-t’em: A Journey Toward Healing
Elizabeth Jackson
Soldiers Unknown
Charley Reed

- Kayla Begay, Ph.D.
- Kerri J. Malloy
Co-Managing Editors
- Forrest Moore
- Casey McCullough