A test of the pollination syndrome concept using the Jamaican Blue Mahoe, Hibiscus elatus
Graduation Date
Document Type
Thesis (M.S.)--Humboldt State University, Biology, 2013
Committee Chair Name
Michael Mesler
Committee Chair Affiliation
HSU Faculty or Staff
Bat pollination, Glossophagine bats, Pollination syndromes, Chiropterophilous flowers, Dual pollination syndromes, Hibiscus elatus, Glossophaga soricina, Monophyllus redmani, Mixed pollination syndromes, Humboldt State University -- Theses -- Biology, Blue mahoe
In this study I tested the ability of the pollination syndrome model to predict the most effective pollinator of a tropical forest tree, Hibiscus elatus (Malvaceae), at three sites in Jamaica, West Indies. The floral characteristics of this species suggested pollination by both bees and bats. Bat syndrome traits include large bowl-shaped flowers borne on stout pedicles that open in the late afternoon or early evening, thick and waxy petals, and copious amounts of dilute nectar secreted at night. Bee-related floral traits include brightly colored petals with nectar guides, diurnal nectar secretion, and a sweet fragrance. This combination of floral syndromes did not accurately predict the most common and effective pollinators of these flowers: bats accounted for almost all pollination while day-flying visitors (honeybees, hummingbirds, flies and wasps) and other night-flying-visitors (moths, flies, and wasps) contributed minimally. This conclusion rests on the much higher visit rates of bats, their much higher likelihood of contacting anthers and stigmas during visits, and the fact that 99% of pollination occurred at night. The bee syndrome traits of H. elatus are probably vestiges inherited from a bee-pollinated ancestor that have been retained due to lack of fitness trade-offs. H. elatus is likely in a transitional state evolving towards increased specialization for pollination by bats.
Recommended Citation
Lovig, Heidi M., "A test of the pollination syndrome concept using the Jamaican Blue Mahoe, Hibiscus elatus" (2013). Cal Poly Humboldt theses and projects. 1783.