Recommendations for initial social services programs for Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria

Graduation Date


Document Type





Project (M.S.W.)--Humboldt State University, Social Work, 2016

Committee Chair Name

Yvonne Doble

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Child and Family Services Plan, IV-B, Native American social services, Historical trauma, Tribal social services, Trinidad Rancheria, Humboldt State University -- Projects -- Social Work, Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community


The purpose of this project was to develop the goals and objectives for the Children's Bureau's Title IV-B 5-year Children and Family Services Plan (CFSP) for the Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria by drawing from the results of the needs assessment that was recently conducted with the community. The needs assessment was developed to inform and spearhead the development of the Social Services Department that will assist in meeting the needs of the Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria. The goals and objectives are guided by documented best practices in indigenous communities. The Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria has identified development of these program objectives and the subsequent submission of a 5-year CFSP as one of the first steps in developing a foundation for their social services program. Their social services program is in the initial stage of development and there is vast need for services in this community to heal from trauma related to the historical trauma that indigenous people suffered in this country.
