Our project is located at the Baduwa’t Estuary. We partnered with CalTrout to assist them with meeting one of the objectives for their Mad River (Baduwa’t) Estuary Floodplain Habitat and Public Access Enhancement Project. CalTrout partnered with the landowner, McKinleyville Community Services District, to restore 4.25 acres of the estuary. Our project focused on reducing the abundance of invasive plant species within the estuary area. The target plant species were barnyard grass, Canada thistle, and cocklebur. First, we conducted a literature review to learn the best management practices for eradicating the three target species. Then we conducted a field survey to locate all individuals of each plant on the project site. At each location, we recorded the proximity to water, the extent of each patch of barnyard grass and Canada thistle (not cocklebur because they occurred only as single plants), and described the soil and terrain. Next, we developed a treatment plan for the eradication of barnyard grass, Canada thistle, and cocklebur based on the data we gathered through our research and field survey, as well as stipulations set by the landowner. We suggested hand removal and an annual return to retreat before each species flowers. Hand removal methods were outlined as a step-by-step process for future volunteers assisting CalTrout. Lastly, we conducted a volunteer event to evaluate our removal methods for Canada thistle.
Fall 2023
Environmental Science & Management
Ecological Restoration
Daniel Lipe
Citation Style
Included in
Environmental Monitoring Commons, Natural Resources and Conservation Commons, Plant Sciences Commons, Sustainability Commons