
Publication-Ready Author Bio

William Christopher Brown earned his doctorate in English from Indiana University Bloomington. He currently is an Associate Professor II of English and Technical Writing at Midland College. In 2018-2019, he will serve as Chair of the Modern Language Association's (MLA) Committee on Contingent Labor in the Profession. He also serves as Chair of the MLA Liaison Committee for the Association for Business Communication (ABC). Additionally, for the ABC, he serves on the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, the Technology Committee, and the Conference Proceedings Editorial Review Board.


This review covers Daniel Davis's Contingent Academic Labor: Evaluating Conditions to Improve Student Outcomes and Lisa del Rosso's Confessions of an Accidental Professor. Davis's book offers a rubric for evaluating the working conditions of contingent academic laborers. del Rosso's Confessions is a memoir of her experience as a contingent academic laborer.



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