Graduation Date

Spring 2024

Document Type



Master of Science degree with a major in Environmental Systems, option Energy, Technology, and Policy

Committee Chair Name

Dr. Peter Alstone

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Dr. Arne Jacobson

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Third Committee Member Name

Dr. Sintana Vergara

Third Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Hoopa Shopping Center, Hoopa Valley Tribe, Decarbonization package, Resilient, Electrification, Energy efficiency, Net zero

Subject Categories

Environmental Systems


The Hoopa Shopping Center, located within the Hoopa Valley Tribe Reservation, faces significant energy cost fluctuations and reliability issues. Given the susceptibility of remote communities to power disruptions, the Tribe's move toward achieving a sustainable and resilient power infrastructure is essential. This study investigates the technical and economic decarbonization strategies for the Hoopa Shopping Center, focusing on reducing energy bills, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions through electrification and energy efficiency improvements, as well as the integration of renewable energy sources.

This decarbonization could be done in a way consistent with the development of a microgrid to energize the community and enhance power reliability, which is underway by the Hoopa Valley Tribe. Switching to electricity for heating, hot water, and kitchen appliances will increase their annual electricity demand by 110 MWh from the current 545 MWh due to electrification, adding $18,000 to their existing annual energy bill of $211,600. However, this could be partially offset by installing a 450 kW solar and a 3,055 kWh battery storage, with potential annual savings in energy bills ranging from $18,000 to $72,000. This system ensures one and a half days of operational resilience during power disruptions and is expected to achieve a 24% decrease in their existing carbon emissions.

The total annual investment to implement the overall decarbonization package, including electrification and solar and battery integration, ranges from -$15,000 to $81,000, depending on the available rebates the Shopping Center receives. Overall, the savings in energy bills from decarbonization is between 62% and 93%.

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