Graduation Date

Spring 2023

Document Type



Master of Science degree with a major in Kinesiology, option Exercise Science

Committee Chair Name

Dr. Justus Ortega

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Dr. Jill Anderson

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Third Committee Member Name

Dr. Amy Rock

Third Committee Member Affiliation

Community Member or Outside Professional

Fourth Committee Member Name

Maggie Kraft


Older adult, Fall prevention, Fall risk, GIS, Descriptive, Rural, Humboldt County, Del Norte County, Northern California

Subject Categories



Older adults over 65 will double from 52.4 million in 2018 to 94.7 million in 2060. Among this aging group, falls affect one out of four older adults and are a critical economic concern for our American society, with yearly costs of $50 billion. In older adults, falling can result in negative consequences such as fear of falling, injuries, mobility restrictions, and loss of independence. California has one of the highest costs per fall ($4 billion annually) and a high percentage of adults who have fallen (30.6%) compared to the nation. Moreover, two of California’s northwest rural counties, Del Norte, and Humboldt County, have higher rates of falls than the rest of the state. Thus, the purpose of this study was to (1) identify fall risk and prevention needs by distributing the North Coast Fall Prevention Survey (NCFP) to adults aged 60 years and over in Humboldt and Del Norte Counties, and (2) to visually depict layers of this data across Humboldt and Del Norte zip codes. Participants completed the survey either by paper or online. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The descriptive analysis showed Humboldt and Del Norte Counties had a variety of intrinsic, extrinsic, and behavioral risk factors consistent with previous literature. The maps of Humboldt and Del Norte Counties revealed areas needing fall prevention. The results of this study warrant further data collection and analysis; however, they will assist the North Coast Fall Prevention Coalition and local agencies with strategic planning.

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