Graduation Date

Summer 2020

Document Type



Master of Arts degree with a major in Education

Committee Chair Name

Eric Van Duzer

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

David Ellerd

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Inclusion, Rural, Special education, Social

Subject Categories



Inclusion is the method by which many school districts meet the requirement of educating students with disabilities in the “least restrictive environment”. While it is an established practice, supported by the educational community and most families alike, there is a gap in the literature regarding how students feel about being in inclusion classes. In order to learn more about the student experience, five students with special education needs from a rural high school were interviewed about their involvement in inclusion. Students were asked about whether they felt included, if they socialized with peers from the inclusion class, and if they would enroll in another inclusion class. All five interviewees reported positive experiences with the inclusion class. All five stated they felt included, all five socialized with peers from the class, and all five reported they would enroll in an inclusion class again.

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