Graduation Date

Fall 2019

Document Type



Master of Arts degree with a major in Applied Anthropology

Committee Chair Name

Mary Scoggin

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Maxwell Schnurer

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Third Committee Member Name

Llyn Smith

Third Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Violence prevention, Marginalized groups, Sexualized violence, Gender, Intersectionality, Anti-violence, Comics, Anthropology, Applied anthropology, Cultural anthropology

Subject Categories



Sexualized violence prevention at the university level can sometimes leave out the perspectives and needs of marginalized groups. Ethics should always serve to temper any endeavors to work with marginalized groups. Any endeavor into the field requires methods and frameworks that serve not only the needs of the researcher but also the knowledge builders involved. Postmodern ethnography articulates a need for contesting a positivist understanding of knowledge through use of alternative methods like novelized fiction, autobiography, documentary, and visual art. In conjunction, intersectional theory forces us to consider our place as researchers and the larger power dynamics within our culture. Through the use of ethnofiction and the comic art medium, the project was able to express some of the needs of marginalized groups without putting any would-be knowledge builder at risk. Ethnofiction uses traditional ethnographic methods to inform and shape fiction that can provide more texture and richness than academic forms of dissemination, a reconsideration of ethnography. The anti-violence comics project found that comics have the potential to reach wider audiences than institutionally based forms of knowledge. Comics have the power to invoke aesthetic responses within a reader and provide enough abstraction to allow the reader to identify with the characters depicted within. The research project found that there is great potential in interdisciplinary work between the arts and the social sciences.

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