Graduation Date

Spring 2019

Document Type



Master of Science degree with a major in Kinesiology, option Teaching/Coaching

Committee Chair Name

Jill Pawlowski

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

David Adams

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Third Committee Member Name

Drew Petersen

Third Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Fourth Committee Member Name

Chris Hopper

Fourth Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Motivational Climate, Physical activity, Disability, Learning, Motor skill

Subject Categories



Increasing physical activity participation among children with disabilities is critical for developing healthy lifestyles. Motivation can influence the amount of physical activity a person participates in. Establishing motivational climates that emphasize individual progress and outcomes can result in improvements of affective responses of engaging in an activity which, in turn, can increase the likelihood of continued participation. While the relationship between motivational climate and mood has been researched in children without disabilities, little research has been done on the impact of motivational climates for children with disabilities. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the effect that a motivational climate has on gross motor skills. Motivational climate the structure of the social environment with regard to the way that it influences individuals' motivation and motivational processes. In achievement goal theories it is typically described in terms of the extent to which the environment is oriented towards promoting task mastery and learning goals or social comparison and performance goals (Lochbaum & Stevenson, 2014). is defined by has on a child with an intellectual disability as it relates to physical activity. Participants for this study will include five children with disabilities recruited from an adapted physical activity program. Participants will be prompted in either a skill acquisition or outcome orientation motivational climate by the researcher before being asked to perform a task in an ABA sequence. Child’s enjoyment of the task and successful completion will be assessed and compared between the two motivational climates using a visual analysis

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