Graduation Date

Fall 2018

Document Type



Master of Arts degree with a major in English, Composition Studies & Pedagogy

Committee Chair Name

Dr. Nikola Hobbel

Committee Chair Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff

Second Committee Member Name

Dr. Natalie Giannini

Second Committee Member Affiliation

HSU Faculty or Staff


Graphic novels, Comics, Literacy, Adolescents literacy, Multiliteracy

Subject Categories



Graphic novels have been making their way into the classroom steadily during the past two decades. Whether their use is for a pedagogical purpose or pleasure, graphic novels are grabbing the attention of adults and youth alike. As general interest arises surrounding graphic novels, increased scholarship discussing their purpose, structure, and use has appeared across a variety of disciplines. Educators, especially those with younger students, are drawn to the genre. Their interest has produced a growing body of literature; however, these publications often lack quantitative data and typically offer qualitative conclusions about the benefits of graphic novels in classroom contexts. So far, various studies have been conducted ranging from extra-curricular reading groups to comprehensive units within language arts classrooms. By exploring how research about graphic novels is collected and determined, my topic will be focused on how graphic novels could potentially benefit adolescents and their literacy development. My examination will: 1) synthesize the scholarship discussing graphic novel novels and identify gaps within it; 2) determine key features of adolescent literacy; 3) investigate and interrogate potential applicability of graphic novels in support of adolescent literacy development.

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